
US boycotts arms control conference in protest at Venezuela

RT | May 28, 2019 The United States walked out of a UN disarmament forum in protest after Venezuela took up the conference’s rotating chairmanship, insisting it would not participate in a conference led by a “rogue state.” “Whatever is discussed in there, whatever is decided, has absolutely no legitimacy because it is an illegitimate […]

Video: US Sanctions Leave Millions of Venezuelans Without Water

“You can’t blame the Maduro government, but as for the United States, this Donald Trump is mean. He’s mean and he’s blocked a lot of things. We have to support each other and this U.S. blockade has to end.” — Yolimar Contreras Transcript: Yolimar Contreras lives in a poor barrio, on the hillsides of Caracas, with […]

The American People Are the True Victims of Our Latest Coup

There’s an office that you go to to overthrow a government. CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou stands in front of a packed house in the Chavez Room at the Venezuelan Embassy. A mural of Hugo Chavez looks on from the back wall. Bookcases stand empty, a fitting sign of the bumbling idiocy of empire. The lobby has been converted into a makeshift gallery: images of Maduro and Chavez flank the unused metal detector and security desk.

Venezuela Resisting Venezuela Reconstructing: A photo-feature

Dateline: Venezuela, April 26-May 5, 2019. Background: This is my fifth visit. My first visit was in 2005. So I’m able to find the changes. The mainstream media (MSM) are creating an image of desperate suffering, hardship and chaos. Supermarket shelves in Caracas But I found food in restaurants, and food stores with shelves full of foods.                          [Read More...]

New York Times Parrots US Propaganda on Hezbollah in Venezuela

(FAIR) — Judith Miller and Michael Gordon published their now infamous New York Times article on September 8, 2002, falsely claiming on the basis of unnamed “American officials” that Iraq had acquired “aluminum tubes” with the aim of producing “an atomic bomb.” Disgraced by her regurgitation of bogus claims, Miller left the Times in 2005, but her spirit is “alive and […]

NYT Parrots US Propaganda on Hezbollah in Venezuela

Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz | FAIR | May 24, 2019 Judith Miller and Michael Gordon published their now infamous New York Times article on September 8, 2002, falsely claiming on the basis of unnamed “American officials” that Iraq had acquired “aluminum tubes” with the aim of producing “an atomic bomb.” Disgraced by her regurgitation […]

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 13)

We have here clear evidence proving Western MSM lie when they accuse Maduro of refusing humanitarian help and, consequently, being “responsible” of many deaths. Wrong, absolutely wrong. Liars! In a few years under Bolivarian socialism, the Venezuelan healthcare system went from a third world level to a decent and modern level, and the many millions that never had visited a[Read More...]