
Study Linking US Sanctions to Venezuelan Deaths Buried by Reuters for Over a Month

(FAIR) — I emailed Stephanie Nebehay of Reuters on May 22 about her article, “Venezuela Turns to Russia, Cuba, China in Health Crisis” (5/22/19). Her article depicted the impact of US sanctions as an allegation that Venezuelan government officials are alone in making.   The article stated: The opposition blames [medical shortages] on economic incompetence and corruption by the […]

This Is Not Journalism: Univision Warps Reality to Push US War Agenda

MIAMI — Univision’s Jorge Ramos, sometimes called the “Walter Cronkite of Latin America,” flagrantly lied about his interview with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in February, the recording, which was leaked to Univision itself, reveals. The network’s reporting on other issues surrounding Venezuela is also characterized by unprofessionalism and overreaching, according to an account by one activist.

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 16)

International Community How many times a day is the expression “international community” pronounced on Western Mainstream Media in a dishonest manner? How many times is this expression used by Western MSM to refer only to the US and its Western client states? Too many times. Too often. If one takes the time to compare enough Western news and reports, the conclusion[Read More...]

Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution in the Crosshairs of US Imperialism

With the likes of John Bolton and Elliot Abrams directing US foreign policy, the US government has abandoned all pretense of “plausible denial” for its illegal regime-change initiatives. The “humanitarian” bombs may not be falling but, make no mistake, the US is waging a full-bore war against the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela.

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 15)

Violence 2 While in the parallel reality made up by Western MSM “people are oppressed by Maduro’s dictatorship”, in the real world politicians, police forces, military forces and humble civilians (often dark-skinned) who voted for the democratically elected President Maduro are systematically purged. The assassinations and lynchings of pro-Chavistas are continuously committed in pure mafia style. But let the US-sponsored[Read More...]