
FANB Warns that US Military Planes are Flying over Venezuelan Territory

Orinoco Tribune | June 21, 2019 The Comprehensive Aerospace Defense Command ( Codai ) of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) denounced that EP-3E and RC-135 aircrafts belonging to the United States Air Force have flown over Venezuelan coasts several times to carry out espionage actions and exploitative missions. The information was disseminated by the […]

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 18)

Sabotaged electric grid On March 7th, 2019, an alleged cyber attack against Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant (Guris Dam) resulted in a general outage affecting more than 2/3 of Venezuela, mostly in the Western and Central provinces. Without a single piece of evidence, Western MSM immediately started accusing socialism in general, and Maduro’s government in particular, of not “being able to manage a[Read More...]

Inside Canada’s Outsized and Under-Scrutinized Bid to Overthrow Maduro

OTTAWA — Canada’s foreign policy, under the auspices of Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, is bucking the country’s long standing tradition of generally staying out of the affairs of governments to its south in Latin America. Indeed, Canada has been one of the major players orchestrating repeated coup attempts in Venezuela since Juan Guaido declared himself president in January.

VENEZUELA: Richard Branson’s ‘Live Aid’ Cash Embezzled by Guaidó Camp for Luxury Sprees

It was all the rage back in February – Sir Richard Branson, the maverick billionaire entrepreneur of Virgin fame, proudly announced he was organizing a new “Live Aid” benefit concert in the Colombian city Cúcuta, all to help the ‘poor people’ of Venezuela who we’re told were being starved to death by the evil Maduro regime.

Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future

By Alexander Rubinstein – MintPress News – June 17, 2019 The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Now, a recently exposed […]

Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future

(MPN) — The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Now, a recently exposed embezzlement scandal in Colombia risks to further alienate the party from the Venezuelan people. […]

How the Coup in Venezuela and the US Housing Crisis are Inextricably Connected

The United States economy is organized such that all commodities, including both weapons and housing, drive the lion’s share of profits upward, into the pockets of a wealthy elite class, at the expense of the masses of working people who generate those profits through their labor power. The functioning of this system in the interest of a tiny few at the expense of the many is made equally apparent by the orchestration of war against Venezuela by the U.S. ruling class and the orchestration of a massive housing crisis within U.S. borders by wealthy developers.