
Venezuelan Government Claims New Coup Plot Foiled

(VA) — The Venezuelan government has reportedly dismantled a plan to stage a violent putsch in recent days. Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez revealed on Wednesday that a large scale plan was set to be executed on June 23 or 24. The operation allegedly included the assassination of President Nicolas Maduro, National Constituent Assembly President Diosdado Cabello, and […]

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 21)

Another failed coup  The coup that never was On April 30th, 2019, we were all invited to witness more of the same. Or so thought the US administration after having prepared the stage and the lights, and called the MSM to broadcast it. The real US intentions in Venezuela are not a mystery and can be found in the 2002 coup[Read More...]

Venezuela UPDATE: Maduro assassination & military coup plot foiled

There was a plot to assassinate Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, and to stage a coup. The plot has been foiled. The Latin American country’s intelligence agency has made the claim. The foiled plot envisioned a group of rogue officers storming the presidential palace and installing an imprisoned general in his stead. The plot by current and former military officers involved[Read More...]

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 20)

Another failed coup  General Figuera, double agent or traitor? Between April 30th and May 1st, Venezuela suffered a poorly attempted coup that could only fail miserably. Although counting only with a general and a bunch of low-ranked officials chaotically organized, for those watching Western Lying Media, the attempted coup had immense support from numerous high-ranked officials that were very well organized and were about[Read More...]

Trump Finally Confirms: John Bolton is a Menace

After much speculation over the last few months about a genuine fissure in the White House between seemingly opposing pro-war and moderate camps, US President Donald Trump has finally confirmed what many had already suspected.
In a recent sit-down interview with Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press, Trump let on that he was “being pushed into military action against Iran” by his hawkish Neocon advisers.

US and Canada are Backing an Elite White Supremacist Minority in Venezuela

[ABOVE: Simon Bolivar, El Libertador, Early 19th century South American who, along with Jose de San Martin, led Latin America in the war of independence from The Spanish Empire. Bolivar is the symbol of Hugo Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution of the 21st century. Photo Wikipedia.] The US and Canada are not supporting “the return of democracy” in Venezuela as they claim.[Read More...]