
Why the US Puppet President of Venezuela is Toast

Photograph Source: The White House – Public Domain By Roger Harris | CounterPunch | July 5, 2019 Even the corporate media are losing enthusiasm for the US government’s ploy to replace the democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela with the US-anointed security asset Juan Guaidó. Reuters reports in a July 1 article, “Disappointed Venezuelans […]

Bolton hails sanctions for ‘severing ties’ between Cuba & Venezuela

RT | July 4, 2019 US President Donald Trump’s national security hawk John Bolton has vowed to “sever ties” between Havana and Caracas with sanctions on oil and other exports after an Italian oil shipping firm folded under pressure. The US State Department has lifted sanctions from the Italy-based PB Tankers oil shipping company, commending […]

Venezuela UPDATE: Guaido supporters’ heart broken

Juan Guaido, the U.S.-backed self-proclaimed “interim president” has frustrated his supporters. His support is also getting lost. On the other hand, the Venezuelan government is gaining diplomatically. A Reuters analysis by Angus Berwick and Mircely Guanipa said: “Four days before Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido launched a military uprising in a bid to oust President Nicolas Maduro, he told supporters[Read More...]

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 22)

Venezuela is famous for fake news about censored private media that are not censored at all. On the other hand, Twitter and Facebook do censor Venezuelans, Syrians and Iranians all the time, but that is just fine for Western sheep-like humans behaving like sheep-like humans. No worries. The Twiter that censored thousands of Syrian accounts, that censored of Venezuelan accounts[Read More...]

Months After Failed Coup, Venezuelans Losing Patience With Guaido

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In late April, Juan Guaido launched an attempted coup in Venezuela, one which the US figured would be an easy success to sweep him into power after months of insisting he was the legitimate ruler. As July starts, Guaido seems no closer to power than ever. New reports suggest that some Venezuelans, even those who […]

Venezuelan Navy Captain Dies in State Custody, Maduro Orders Investigation

By Lucas Koerner | Venezuelanalysis | June 30, 2019  Caracas – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has ordered a probe into the death of a retired navy captain in the custody of Venezuelan intelligence officials on Saturday. Captain Rafael Acosta Arevalo, 49, was transferred to Dr. Vicente Salas Military Hospital where he died at approximately 1 […]

Venezuelan Government Claims New Coup, Maduro Assassination Plot Foiled

The Venezuelan government has reportedly dismantled a plan to stage a violent putsch in recent days.
Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez revealed on Wednesday that a large scale plan was set to be executed on June 23 or 24. The operation allegedly included the assassination of President Nicolas Maduro, National Constituent Assembly President Diosdado Cabello, and other high-ranking officials.
Maduro condemned the latest plot, accusing the opposition of looking to seize power through a “bloodbath.”