
Starvation as a Weapon: US Targets Venezuela CLAP Program

(GPA) – The new US sanctions on Venezuela meant to target the CLAP food program proves there is nothing “humanitarian” about Washington’s concerns. Last week the United States Department of Treasury placed new sanctions on multiple individuals and businesses connected to the Bolivarian government’s Local Committees for Supply and Production program (in Spanish Los Comités Locales de […]

US Openly Pushes for Overthrow of Elected Government in Venezuela

In one concise statement, Dan Kovalik sums up the criminal — if self-serving and for now effective — foreign policy of the U.S. across the planet:

The US appears to be intentionally spreading chaos throughout strategic portions of the world, leaving virtually no independent state standing to protect their resources, especially oil, from Western exploitation. And, this goal is being achieved with resounding success, while also achieving the subsidiary goal of enriching the behemoth military-industrial complex.

“Electromagnetic Attack” Sparks Massive Blackouts Across Venezuela

(ZH) — Widespread power blackouts were first reported on Monday evening across 15 Venezuelan states and Caracas, as per a report from Reuters Caracas newsroom. Central #Caracas (#Chacao) right now #apagón #blackout #Venezuela — Adriano Mérola Marotta (@AdrianoMerola) July 22, 2019 Venezuelan information minister Jorge Rodrigues said an “electromagnetic attack caused the nationwide blackout” and power companies along with […]

“If the US truly wanted a humanitarian operation in Venezuela, it wouldn’t intentionally cut people off from medicine and food”

In his last book on Venezuela, Daniel Kovalik, a lawyer and a long standing friend of latin american people in countries such as Colombia and Central America, is tearing away the veil of war propaganda : “the humanitarian part of the intervention is now barely a fig leaf for the real and usual intention – the control of another country’s oil[Read More...]

Venezuela blames nationwide blackouts on ‘electromagnetic attack’

RT | July 22, 2019 Massive power outages all across Venezuela were likely caused by an “electromagnetic attack,” the government of President Nicholas Maduro said, stressing that authorities are working to restore the service as soon as possible. The blackout affected the entire nation, Minister of Communication and Information Jorge Rodríguez said on Monday evening, […]