
For “democracy” in Venezuela: U.S. triples aid

An AP report headlined “Trump administration to triple democracy aid to Venezuela” said: “The Trump administration is more than tripling U.S. support for pro-democracy work in Venezuela and for the first time directly funding opposition leader Juan Guaidó as he attempts to set up a government to rival the socialist administration of Nicolás Maduro. “The $52 million in new aid[Read More...]

Dialogue in Venezuela is a missed opportunity for Democrats

Days after the Democratic presidential candidates missed yet another opportunity to challenge President Donald Trump’s failed Venezuela policy on the debate stage on September 12, President Nicolás Maduro signed an important agreement with four opposition parties. These events offer insight into the differing perspectives on the economic, social and political crises in Venezuela – one perspective from the Washington political[Read More...]

Dialogue in Venezuela is a missed opportunity for Democrats

Days after the Democratic presidential candidates missed yet another opportunity to challenge President Donald Trump’s failed Venezuela policy on the debate stage on September 12, President Nicolás Maduro signed an important agreement with four opposition parties. These events offer insight into the differing perspectives on the economic, social and political crises in Venezuela – one perspective from the Washington political establishment, the other from Venezuelans.

Venezuela says it would make sense for US to restore ties

Press TV – September 19, 2019 Venezuela says it would make sense for the United States to restore diplomatic ties with the elected government in Caracas as Washington has failed to install an opposition figure as Venezuela’s leader. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez told reporters in Caracas on Wednesday that it would be reasonable for […]

La hipocresía de Hausmann: Ganando dinero de dictaduras mientras promueve ‘democracia’ en Venezuela

Ricardo Hausmann arremetió contra bancos por hacer negocios con el negocio electo de Venezuela. Pero sus declaraciones financieras a Harvard…
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