
Syrie : SitRep 87 avec Ayssar Midani (16 août 2020)

Voici le 87ème « SitRep » d’Ayssar Midani sur la Syrie. Au programme : – Explosion à Beyrouth ; conséquences pour le Liban et au-delà (4 août 2020) – Discours de Bachar Al-Assad devant la représentation nationale (14 août 2020) – Accord “historique” entre Israël et les EAU annoncé par les USA (14 août 2020) – Vote à l’ONU sur […]

Venezuelan Guaidó coup regime is restoring relations with Israel, decade after Hugo Chávez broke ties

The US-backed Venezuelan coup regime of Juan Guaidó is reestablishing ties with Israel and has opened a “virtual embassy” in Jerusalem, run by a right-wing rabbi who lives in Miami and wants Netanyahu’s help to fight “terrorism.” By Ben Norton Venezuela’s late socialist President Hugo Chávez was a strong supporter of Palestinian rights who officially […]

Era of US Domination of Latin America Coming to an End

Marcha en Venezuela contra las sanciones de Trump (Reuters)
Despite its failings at home, the United States intervenes in countries across multiple continents seeking to control their governments and resources.
This week, we look at the US’ latest efforts in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Bolivia to undermine their independence and force them to serve the interests of the US government and transnational corporations.

‘Coup-Plotters for Hire’: Unearthed USAID Nicaragua Regime Change Doc Puts 2018 Protests in Context

Sputnik – 05.08.2020

An uncovered US Agency for International Development (USAID) document lays out a blueprint for regime change in Nicaragua. An expert told Sputnik the playbook shines a new light on the 2018 protests in Nicaragua as well as similar operations in other countries targeted by the US, such as Venezuela.