
Now West should sit on its backside, shut up, and listen to “the others”!

We were always told what to think; what is correct and what is wrong. By the white dudes living in or coming from Europe and North America. They knew everything. They were the most qualified.
When I write “white,” I don’t mean just their race or color of their skin. To me, “white” is their culture, where they belong. Yes, their identity.

US govt & Democrat-tied troll farm boosts Bolivian coup regime, meddles in Mexico, Venezuela

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with The Grayzone’s Ben Norton about US troll farm CLS Strategies that boosted Bolivia’s coup regime and sought to destabilize leftist Venezuelan and Mexican governments. Ben Norton joined Red Lines to discuss his recent piece, “U.S. govt-linked PR firm ran fake news networks for right-wing Latin American regimes.” He outlined how a Washington D.C. based PR firm called CLS Strategies sought to undermine the democratically elected governments of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and Andrés […]

Challenging pro-war Pelosi: candidate Shahid Buttar on Assange, Latin America, & Palestine

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with House candidate Shahid Buttar, who is Nancy Pelosion issues of war and whistleblowers. They discuss Buttar’s position on Julian Assange, Latin America, Israel, and more.
The post Challenging pro-war Pelosi: candidate Shahid Buttar on Assange, Latin America, & Palestine appeared first on The Grayzone.

Why is the US Government Using Stolen Cash To Pay Doctors in Venezuela?

Venezuelan doctors currently fighting COVID-19 are receiving funding from an unlikely source: U.S. backed coup leader Juan Guaidó. Health workers, who sometimes earn less than $20 per month, are receiving $100 dollars monthly from the self-declared president of Venezuela. Where is Guaidó getting all this money from? The U.S. government, who, in turn, is using the billions of dollars it has confiscated from Venezuela to fund his latest political stunt.

U.S. govt-linked PR firm ran fake news networks for right-wing Latin American regimes

A Washington, DC-based PR firm linked to the US government and Democratic Party, CLS Strategies, ran a fake news network on Facebook and Instagram, spreading propaganda for Bolivia’s coup regime and the right-wing opposition in Venezuela and Mexico. By Ben Norton A major US PR firm located just a few blocks from the White House has been caught running an industrial grade propaganda operation on social media. The information warfare blitzkrieg relied on fake accounts and pages to spread disinformation […]

Venezuela: Operation Gedeon Organizers Arrested in Colombia

By Ricardo Vaz | Venezuelanalysis | September 5, 2020

Mérida – Colombian security forces announced the arrest of four Venezuelan citizens on Thursday.
Rayder Alexander Russo Marquez, Juvenal Sequea Torres and Juven Jose Sequea Torres were captured in Bogota, while Yacsy Alexandra Alvarez Mirabal was detained in Barranquilla. The operation was jointly carried out by the Colombian attorney general’s office, police, army and migration services, with assistance from the FBI.