
The Creeping Socialism Republicans Cannot Understand

Having a foreign-born U.S. citizen come on stage at the Republican National Convention to praise the greatness of the Republican view of the American experience is a fantastic idea. It is easy to believe in the religion or state ideology that you are born into, it is another thing entirely to completely change your views and consciously commit to a new set of beliefs as an adult. Essentially, converts tend to be more hardcore, which is a great reason to have this type of person give an impassioned personal speech at your big party gathering.

Venezuela – A Tribute for Her Endless Pursuit of Democracy

Venezuela is again the shining light of Democracy – pushing ahead with the 6 December 2020 National Assembly (NA) elections – despite the endless challenges of covid – of sanctions, of embargos, of confiscation of foreign assets, and even of a totally illicit blockage of reserve currencies – Venezuela’s gold – naturally in the world’s protectorate of international financial fraud,[Read More...]

Venezuela:  A Tribute for Her Endless Pursuit of Democracy

Venezuela is again the shining light of Democracy – pushing ahead with the 6 December 2020 National Assembly (NA) elections despite the endless challenges of covid, of sanctions, of embargos, of confiscation of foreign assets, and even of a totally illicit blockage of reserve currencies – Venezuela’s gold – naturally in the world’s protectorate of international financial fraud, The City of London.

Venezuela captures ‘US spy’ allegedly plotting to sabotage oil refineries

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Caracas-based journalist Diego Sequera, a columnist with Mision Verdad, about recent developments in Venezuela Parampil and Sequera discuss Venezuela’s recent arrest of a US spy which the government claims was plotting to sabotage oil refineries in the country, as well as upcoming parliamentary elections in December. They explore the impact the vote could have on US-backed politician Juan Guaidó as well as the fractured state of Venezuela’s political opposition. The interview closes with […]

Coups and Neo-Coups in Latin America

By Juan Paz y Miño Cepeda |Venezuelanalysis | September 15, 2020

I recently received an article entitled “Coups and neo-coups in Latin America. Violence and political conflict in the twenty-first century” by Carlos Alberto Figueroa Ibarra, a long-time friend and academic at the University of Puebla, Mexico, and Octavio Humberto Moreno Velador, a professor at the same university.

Grandson of overthrown Chilean President Salvador Allende defends Venezuela against US coup attempt

The grandson of Chile’s former elected socialist President Salvador Allende, who was toppled in a 1973 CIA-orchestrated military coup, has lived in Venezuela for 10 years. The Grayzone’s Ben Norton interviewed Pablo Sepúlveda Allende in Caracas. Sepúlveda Allende spoke about the many similarities between the democratic revolutions in Chile and Venezuela, and why he thinks Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. Transcript BEN NORTON: September 11 is a dark date not only in the […]