
Bolivia calls to investigate OAS for fraud and coup: Interview with Evo’s Foreign Minister Diego Pary

The Grayzone briefly spoke with Bolivia’s former foreign minister under Evo Morales, Diego Pary Rodríguez. He called for an investigation into the OAS for fraud and backing a coup, rejected Juan Guaidó, and expressed solidarity with Palestine. By Anya Parampil and Ben Norton We spoke with Bolivia's former foreign minister under Evo Morales, Diego Pary. He called for an investigation into the OAS for fraud and backing a coup, rejected Juan Guaidó, and expressed solidarity with Palestine. Interview by @AnyaParampil […]

Maduro Says Venezuela Found 100% Effective Medicine Against COVID-19

Sputnik – 26.10.2020 CARACAS – The Venezuelan Scientific Research Institute (IVIC) discovered a medicine that contains molecule DR10 to combat COVID-19, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said on national channel Venezolana de Television, stating that the medicine can eliminate 100 percent of the coronavirus infection. “Venezuela has created a medicine that eliminates 100 percent of the […]

Whoever wins the US presidency the pressure on Venezuela will continue: Scholar

Press TV | October 26, 2020 Whoever wins the presidency on November 3 election in the United States the pressure on Venezuela will continue, an American human rights expert and peace activist says. Daniel Kovalik, who teaches international human rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in the state of Pennsylvania, made the […]

Bolivia election is a blow to Trudeau’s policy

By Yves Engler · October 21, 2020 Massive support for Bolivia’s Movimiento al Socialismo at the polls is a rejection of last year’s Canadian-backed coup against Evo Morales. The vote was also a blow to Trudeau’s policy of seeking to overthrow left-wing governments in the region. On Sunday Morales’ former finance minister, Luis Acre, won […]

 Venezuela: Could rebellion in the ranks spell trouble for Maduro?

Venezuela is no stranger to protests, registering thousands of demonstrations, rallies and strikes each year. As of October 1, about 7000 protests had occurred this year (roughly 25 a day), according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflicts. Unlike before, these protests have by and large not taken place in right-wing opposition strongholds nor necessarily demanded the removal of President[Read More...]