
Is There Hope for Freedom in Latin America?

Freedom in Latin America has been endlessly threatened throughout history. In many ways, people who have come to power, have felt the omnipotence above the individual to decide and govern on behalf of "the people": that intangible being but omnipresent in all the speeches of a populist. Here, FEE President Lawrence W. Reed discusses his take on the socialists that have taken over many parts of the continent.

Journalists Attacked, Shot At During Venezuela Opposition Protests

Right-wing opposition protests in Venezuela are attacking journalists, with accounts of reporters having shots fired at them as well as gasoline thrown at them in an attempt by protesters to set them on fire.
The latest case was teleSUR correspondent Adriana Sivori who was shot in the back while reporting from an anti-government protest in the western Caracas parish of El Paraiso early Monday morning.
In an interview with teleSUR, Sivori recalled how several press people were stuck on a bridge when opposition protesters attacked them.

US Mulls Sanctioning Venezuelan Oil as ‘Economic War’ Continues

teleSUR | June 4, 2017 The Trump administration is debating imposing sanctions on Venezuela’s oil sector, while Washington has raised “concerns” about U.S. firms giving a “financial lifeline” to the South American nation. Reuters reported Sunday that the White House could hit Venezuela’s vital oil and energy sector, including state-run oil company PDVSA, with a number of […]

Venezuelan Youth Burned for ‘Being Chavista’ Dies from Injuries

By Lucas Koerner – Venezuelanalysis – June 5, 2017 Caracas – A Venezuelan man burned alive by opposition protesters has died of his injuries as anti-government unrest claimed two more lives over the weekend. Afro-Venezuelan Orlando Figuera died in the hospital on Saturday evening after suffering six knife wounds as well as first and second-degree […]

Venezuelan Opposition Threatens To Lynch American Journalist Abby Martin

Journalist Abby Martin interviews Venezuelan opposition protesters. (Photo: Facebook)
CHILE — The U.S.-backed right-wing opposition in Venezuela is consistently described as “peaceful,” protesting non-violently against the leftist regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who mainstream media throughout the Americas and the world consider an autocrat, or dictator who is hell-bent on accumulating more power.

European ‘Left’ Caves in to Censorship and Media Lies

By Tortilla Con Sal | teleSUR | May 31, 2017 In 2011, the former European colonial powers, backed by the United States, with the complicity of the United Nations, worked with minority opposition forces to overthrow legitimate governments in Libya, Syria and the Ivory Coast. They trashed the very international law and basic human rights […]

Bitcoin Is All that Stands between My Family and Starvation

The economy is Venezuela is dead. My father lost his air conditioning business and people like our neighbors that were middle and upper class a few years ago can't afford food. Thanks to the rising price of Bitcoin, my family is part of a very small fortunate minority that can afford to help feed their community and also potentially immigrate to another country.

Opposition Condemns Goldman Sachs Purchase Of Venezuelan Bonds

Opposition led National Assembly leader accused Goldman Sachs of supporting the “dictatorship” of President Maduro. (AP/Ariana Cubillos)
Venezuelan opposition leaders have accused the major Wall Street investment bank, Goldman Sachs, of supporting a “dictatorial regime” for purchasing US$2.8 billion in bonds from the Venezuelan national oil company PDVSA, in spite of the fact that the purchase is a boost to the Venezuelan economy, Reuters reported.