
The Ugly Canadian II: Justin Trudeau’s Foreign Policy

When Justin Trudeau looks in the foreign policy mirror who does he see? Someone very much like Stephen Harper.
On the world stage Canada under Trudeau the Second has acted almost the same as when Harper was prime minister. The Liberals have followed the previous government’s posture on issues ranging from militarism to Russia, nuclear weapons to the Gulf monarchies.

7 Dead as Venezuela Violence Escalates

By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim and Lucas Koerner – Venezuelanalysis – June 29, 2017 Seven people have died across Venezuela over the past 48 hours, as violent anti-government protests continue nationwide. The latest deaths include Isael Macadan Aquino, who was shot while participating in a protest in Anzoategui. Details of the shooting remain unclear, though local media […]

Venezuela : Nouvel attentat contre le TSJ, tentative de coup d’état

Oscar Perez et son commando, lisant la déclaration publiée sur son compte instagram simultanément à l’attaque du TSJ et du ministère de l’intérieur
Hier, Mercredi 28 juin 2017, Oscar Perez, un policier d’élite, a lancé 4 grenades contre le Tribunal Suprême de Justice (TSJ) du Venezuela à Caracas depuis un hélicoptère. Il a également tiré une quinzaine de coups de feu sur le ministère de l’intérieur. A priori, les attaques n’auraient fait aucune victime.

Exorcising the ‘Popular Will’: How Venezuela can reclaim its democracy

“What we have to deal with here is a communist society [which] is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it comes.” —Karl Marx, “Critique of the Gotha Programme”
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will cast votes on 30 July to determine its fate as President and United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) leader Nicolás Maduro continues to battle neoliberal opposition party Popular Will (VP), who has received Washington’s blessings.

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO shows police in Venezuela gun down a protestor at point blank range

SHTFPLAN reports that in order to witness a real-world example of economic collapse in the Americas, “one need only turn their attention to Venezuela, where the collapse of their currency has led to hyperinflation to the point that supplies of bare essentials like flour, meat, medicine and toilet paper are unavailable to the general population. The situation has been playing out for several years and it appears to be coming to a head.”