
US Ignores Saudi Beheading of 14 Activists, Labels Venezuela Dictatorship Despite Elections

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) This week, the Trump administration condemned the Venezuelan government following the country’s recent election. But as the U.S. imposes sanctions on Venezuela and vocally decries their lack of democracy, President Trump’s outrage is all but nonexistent as a U.S. ally preparing to behead 14 students for protesting.

US sanctions President Nicolas Maduro as Washington meddles further in Venezuela’s democracy

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | August 1, 2017 The United States continues to meddle in Venezuela’s democracy after yesterday’s nation wide vote for a Constitutional Assembly that will proceed with constitutional reforms aimed at ending the political deadlock between President Maduro and the country’s National Assembly which since 2015 has been controlled by the […]

Les 10 victoires du Président Maduro, par Ignacio Ramonet

Suite de notre série sur le Venezuela, avec différents articles visant à compléter la vision diffusée par les médias.
Rappelons que nous ne soutenons aucun camp là-bas, militons pour que le peuple vénézuelien choisisse librement et démocratiquement son avenir, et condamnons toutes les atteintes aux Droits de l’Homme des deux camps…

US sanctions President Nicolas Maduro as Washington meddles further in Venezuela’s democracy

The United States continues to meddle in Venezuela’s democracy after yesterday’s nation wide vote for a Constitutional Assembly that will proceed with constitutional reforms aimed at ending the political deadlock between President Maduro and the country’s National Assembly which since 2015 has been controlled by the US backed right-wing opposition.

What Mainstream Media Got Wrong About Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly Vote

teleSUR | July 30, 2017 Venezuelans voted Sunday for representatives of the National Constituent Assembly, amid what the government has called a targeted media campaign to destabilize the country and destroy its sovereignty. International media outlets rushed to discredit the vote, sharing grossly misrepresentative accounts of the historic electoral process. The U.S. newspaper Washington Post, […]

8 million Venezuelans vote for Constituent Assembly amid violence

Press TV – July 31, 2017 Over eight million Venezuelans have participated in the Sunday vote to elect a powerful new congress, which will be allowed to rewrite the constitution, with President Nicolas Maduro hailing the results as a victory for the country’s Bolivarian Revolution. Venezuela’s National Electoral Council said Monday that the turnout was […]

Pence Talks with Opposition Leader Leopoldo Lopez over Venezuela’s ‘Dire Situation’

teleSUR | July 30, 2017 U.S. Vice President Mike Pence called Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez Friday “to address the dire situation in Venezuela,” as concern over U.S. interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs continues to grow. In his phone conversation with Lopez, Pence praised “Mr. Lopez for his courage and outspoken defense of Venezuelan democracy,” […]

US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Truth is Easy if You Follow the Money

July 31, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Venezuela's ongoing crisis is not driven by political ideology - it is not a battle of socialism versus capitalism or dictatorship versus democracy - it is the result of two centers of political power possessing opposing interests and colliding geopolitically.The nation of Venezuela is currently under the control of Venezuelans who derive their support, wealth, and power from Venezuela itself - it

United States promises “strong and swift” action against Venezuela “authoritarianism”

The Trump Administration released a statement condemning the “illegitimate elections” in Venezuela, as violent protests continued in the South American nation.
The United States promised “strong and swift” action against the architects of the authoritarianism.
We wait to see exactly what the US will do in Venezuela to finally seize control of the vast oil richness that has eluded American control for decades.