
Propagande de guerre au Venezuela [Et ça recommence…]


Et ça recommence donc…
Après la Libye, l’Ukraine, la Syrie, la Russie (pour ne citer que les derniers), voilà de nouveau les médias mainstream partis en mode “propagande de guerre” afin d’éradiquer tout esprit critique sur la situation au Venezuela.
Nous allons parler à partir d’aujourd’hui un peu plus en profondeur de la situation dans ce pays qui bascule de plus en plus dans une dangereuse forme de “guérilla civile”.

Head of Venezuela National Guard on Insurgency & US Threats

Use of force by Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Guard has become a regular sight in corporate media, and those actions are used by foreign powers as justification for intervention.
With very real possibilities of another US-backed coup, Abby Martin interviews the head of Venezuela’s Armed Forces and Minister of Defense, General Padrino López. They discuss the National Guard’s control of food and medicine, condemnations over the use of force, and the threat of US military intervention.

US interferes globally but Russia is not allowed secure borders

In February 2014, a United States-sponsored coup was initiated in the Ukraine in which President Viktor Yanukovych was illegally ousted from power. Over three years later, the putsch has done nothing but plunge the Ukraine, a tortured country plundered throughout modern history (by the West), into another abyss. In a 2015 interview with CNN, then US president Barack Obama openly confessed that “we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine”.

US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Truth is Easy if You Follow the Money

By Tony Cartalucci  | Land Destroyer | July 31, 2017 Venezuela’s ongoing crisis is not driven by political ideology – it is not a battle of socialism versus capitalism or dictatorship versus democracy – it is the result of two centers of political power possessing opposing interests and colliding geopolitically. The nation of Venezuela is […]

Tillerson Threatens Regime Change In Venezuela

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stands before laying a wreath at the mausoleum of Turkey’s founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in Ankara, Turkey, March 30, 2017. (AP/Lefteris Pitarakis)
Washington has made one of its most foreboding threats so far against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson openly floated the possibility of stepping up “regime change” measures against the government of democratically-elected President Nicolas Maduro.