
When Washington Decides Democracy Is Dangerous: Stoking Opposition In Venezuela And Syria

A Venezuelan protester holds a poster that reads in Spanish “Against Imperialist aggression, respect Venezuela” during a protest outside the National Assembly in Caracas Venezuela. (AP/Howard Yanes)
QUITO (Analysis)– If you’ve been following international news in recent years, you know that two countries, in particular, have served as punching bags for establishment pundits: Venezuela and Syria.

Canada’s NDP backs American Empire

Does the NDP consistently support a foreign policy that benefits ordinary people around the world? Or does the social democratic party often simply fall in line with whatever the American Empire demands?
Hélène Laverdière certainly seems to support the US-led geopolitical order. While the NDP foreign critic has called for stronger arms control measures and regulations on Canada’s international mining industry, she’s aligned with the Empire on issues ranging from Venezuela to Palestine, Ukraine to Syria.

Sous les tropiques, les apprentis de l’Etat Islamique, par Luis Hernandez Navarro, la Jornada

Suite de notre série sur le Venezuela, avec différents articles visant à compléter la vision diffusée par les médias.
Rappelons que nous ne soutenons aucun camp là-bas, militons pour que le peuple vénézuelien choisisse librement et démocratiquement son avenir, et condamnons toutes les atteintes aux Droits de l’Homme des deux camps…
Toujours dans notre réflexion autour des propagandes en cours autour du Venezuela, ici, un article au ton provocateur…

Moscow: Anti-Caracas Sanctions Hamper Normalization of Situation in Venezuela

Sputnik – 10.08.2017 The recently imposed sanctions against Venezuela do not contribute to the normalization of the situation in the country, pushing it back into deadlock instead, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday. On Wednesday, the US Department of Treasury announced the expansion of its sanctions on Venezuela. These measures included travel […]

Empire Strikes Back: Destructive, Dishonest Neocolonialism Targets Venezuela

21st Century Wire says…
It’s no longer any secret that the US have planned and orchestrated ‘regime change’ in dozens of developing countries over the last century. 
Washington’s primary tool is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has ousted democratically elected governments like Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Chile (1973), Nicaragua (1982), Haiti (2006), Honduras (2009), Libya (2011), Ukraine (2014) and still working on Syria (2011-present), to name only a few.
Next is Venezuela.

Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly Declares Itself Main Governing Body – Reports

MOSCOW,  (Sputnik) – Venezuelan National Constituent Assembly has declared itself the main governing body of the country, local media reported on Wednesday.
According to head of the Constituent Assembly Delcy Rodriguez, from this moment no branch of government can interfere or hinder with decisions of the new legislative body, El Universal newspaper reported.
“This law is the strongest instrument to eliminate violence, hatred and bigotry,” Rodriguez said, as quoted by the newspaper.

[Vidéo] Déstabilisation Chili / Venezuela: interview de Joan Garcés, conseiller du président Allende (

Source : Valentine Delbos, Youtube, 02-05-2017
Interviewé par la chaîne latino-américaine Telesur, Joan Garcés, ancien conseiller du président Salvador Allende, souligne le parallèle existant entre la situation que traverse le Venezuela sous la révolution bolivarienne et le contexte de guerre de déstabilisation qui précéda le coup d’état du général Pinochet qui eu lieu le 11 septembre 1973 au Chili, avec le soutien de la CIA.

Military Base Attacked in Venezuela, Two Dead

By Katrina Kozarek and Rachael Boothroyd Rojas | Venezuelanalysis | August 7, 2017 The 41st Armored Brigade of Fort Paramacay in Carabobo State was attacked by civilians and ex-military officials in the early hours of Sunday morning as part of an unsuccessful attempt to provoke a military rebellion, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has confirmed. According […]