
US Congress and corporate media deploy massive lie, claiming Venezuela’s gov’t threatened to starve non-voters

Spun out by the US Congress and Wall Street Journal, the cynical deception is part of an assault on Venezuela’s legislative election, in which even opposition politicians were sanctioned for participating. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US corporate media declared Venezuela’s legislative elections a “sham” before results were even announced, opening a new front in the propaganda war on the besieged country and its leftist government. Among the most blatant distortions deployed against President Nicolas Maduro’s United Socialist Party […]

 Why Venezuela’s National Assembly elections matter

Venezuelans are set to vote in elections like no other in the country’s recent history when they go to the polls to elect a new National Assembly (AN) on December 6. Ever since Hugo Chavez’s victory in the 1998 presidential election, electoral contests in the South American country have been highly polarised between the pro-Chavez, pro-poor Bolivarian Revolution and the[Read More...]

The Emperor Has No Clothes

I reviewed Sra. Michelle Bachelet’s Report on Venezuela, and was quite outraged at her lack of consideration and due diligence. I will, in a moment, tell everyone why this report needs to be trashed, but even before that, I think I should mention two systemic flaws about this type of reporting regardless of which country […]
The post The Emperor Has No Clothes first appeared on Dissident Voice.

US Intervenes as Venezuela Prepares for High Stakes Election

The US finally appointed an ambassador to Venezuela after a decade hiatus and in the runup to the Venezuelan National Assembly elections. The new ambassador, James Story, was confirmed by US Senate voice vote on November 18 with Democrats supporting Trump’s nominee. Ambassador Story took his post in Bogotá, Colombia. No, this is not another […]

Biden’s transition team is filled with war profiteers, Beltway chickenhawks, and corporate consultants

A glance at the Biden-Harris agency review teams should provide a rude awakening to anyone who believed a Biden administration could be “pushed to the left.” An eye-popping array of corporate consultants, war profiteers, and national security hawks have been appointed by President-elect Joe Biden to agency review teams that will set the agenda for his administration. A substantial percentage of them worked in the United States government when Barack Obama was president. The appointments should provide a rude awakening […]

As Trump rejects US election, Biden signals continued regime change abroad

With Trump rejecting the US election outcome and the Biden team advocating continued regime change abroad, Max Blumenthal on US hegemony coming home to roost. As President Trump refuses to concede over baseless allegations of widespread fraud, the Biden team has sent signals that there will be little to no transition away from US regime change abroad. The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discusses Trump’s rejection of democracy at home, and the records of the likely Biden cabinet members who have adopted […]

The coming weeks could be the period of greatest threat to Venezuela

Trump has not yet accepted electoral defeat, and his remaining days as U.S. presidency until Biden’s inauguration may represent the period of greatest threat of armed intervention in Venezuela, especially before December 6, the date of the country’s next legislative elections. In addition to trying to judicially question the outcome of the elections – an increasingly remote possibility – Trump[Read More...]

Biden and Trump compete for South Florida swing voters with anti-communist conspiracies and interventionist chest-beating

Aggressive efforts by both parties to court South Florida’s Latin American diaspora have shaped Miami’s political landscape into a paranoid, anti-communist madhouse as Election Day nears. Just a week before the November 3 election, a New York Times report on plans by a future Joseph Biden administration to restart negotiations with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro roiled the Democratic presidential hopeful’s campaign. The October 27 article provoked a wave of attacks from Cuban-American Republicans like Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart and Senator Marco […]