
CIA Director Pompeo’s latest conspiracy theory: Venezuela crisis because of RUSSIA!

For most people, the Venezuela crisis is about the political tensions between the popularly elected socialist President Nicolas Maduro and the legislature which backs him, the Constituent Assembly. The executive and Constituent Assembly are in conflict with the pro-US National Assembly whose powers have been reduced after Venezuela’s Supreme Court discovered voting irregularities in the 2015 election.

Où va le Venezuela ?

Suite de notre série sur le Venezuela, avec différents articles visant à compléter la vision diffusée par les médias.
Rappelons que nous ne soutenons aucun camp là-bas, militons pour que le peuple vénézuelien choisisse librement et démocratiquement son avenir, et condamnons toutes les atteintes aux Droits de l’Homme des deux camps…
Pour changer, une vision critique venant de l’extrême-gauche

CONFIRMED: South America opposes Trump’s military threat against Venezuela

Donald Trump recently stated that he is considering a military option in Venezuela in respect of overthrowing the popularly elected socialist government of the oil rich state. Recent months have seen increasing hostile protests against the government by US backed right wing agitators.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has said of Trump’s remarks,

Trump Isn’t Going to Invade Venezuela, But What US is Planning Could Be Much Worse

Andrew Korybko
The Duran

Trump was more aggressive than usual yesterday when he said that he’s not ruling out a “military option” in Venezuela, and the international media went haywire speculating that the President was considering an invasion. Nothing justifies what Trump said, but taking aside all moral considerations, his statement shouldn’t have been surprising, and interestingly enough, it might even backfire on him.