
Bullying Venezuela: Trump’s Unvarnished Threat

Whether he holds good on it is beside the point.  President Donald J. Trump’s great value to US foreign policy is its lack of artifice and sophistication, a bullying force of nature that alters with the next burst of adolescent acne and the breaking of the voice.  Even less than the traditional stereotype of the American behaving badly, he is[Read More...]

Shocking videos raise #Venezuela fake-news fears

SKWAWKBOX · 03/08/2017 All the mainstream news channels and publications have been running dramatic footage of a night-time police raid to arrest one of two Venezuelan opposition leaders as part of their odd clamour for the UK’s opposition leader to ‘condemn’ Venezuelan President Maduro’s actions. The raid, which occurred earlier this week and was caught […]

Ginning Up A “Military Option” For Venezuela Puts Sen. Rubio In Imaginary Crosshairs

MIAMI — Last week, when all eyes were riveted on the escalating threats between President Donald Trump and North Korean leadership, Trump raised more than a few eyebrows and caused deep concern when he told reporters on Friday that the U.S. would not rule out a “military option” in response to the increasingly critical situation in Venezuela.


Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister was speaking with his Bolivian counterpart when the issue of Venezuela arose. Bolivia is one of Venezuela’s closest regional allies along with Cuba.
Sergey Lavrov responded to threats made by Donald Trump against Caracas when the US President threatened the use of military action against the oil rich South American country. Venezuela has called Trump’s threats “crazy” and a threat to the sovereignty of the country.

Amnesty International – weaponizing hypocrisy for the US and NATO

Tortilla con Sal | Telesur | August 12, 2017 Over the last year, in Latin America, Amnesty International have taken their collusion in support of NATO government foreign policy down to new depths of falsehood and bad faith attacking Venezuela and, most recently, Nicaragua. The multi-million dollar Western NGO claims, “We are independent of any […]