
Propaganda On Venezuela Busted

There is a full scale propaganda war going on against Venezuela. Speaking at a press conference in Cartagena, Columbia with Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos, US Vice President Mike Pence said that “Venezuela is sliding into dictatorship” and that “the United States will not stand by” as democracy “crumbles”. “That once rich nation’s collapse into authoritarianism has pushed it into[Read More...]

A Tale of Two Elections: Democracy & Counter-Democracy in Venezuela

On July 30, 2017 the people of Venezuela went to the polls to elect a National Constituent Assembly (ANC). The vote was Constitutional, verifiable, secret, direct and universal, and over 8 million people participated. Despite this reality, the government United States and their allies, along with mainstream capitalist media have all decried the elections as “illegitimate,” “unpopular” and a “sham.”[Read More...]

The World Remembers 64th Anniversary of the West-Sponsored Coup in Iran

After WWII, the West had one huge ‘problem’ on its hands: all three most populous Muslim countries on Earth – Egypt, Iran and Indonesia – were clearly moving in one similar direction, joining a group of patriotic, peaceful and tolerant nations. They were deeply concerned about the welfare of their citizens, and by no means were they willing to allow foreign colonialist powers to plunder their resources, or enslave their people.

Correcting Eva Golinger and Jeremy Scahill on Venezuela

By Stansfield Smith | Dissident Voice | August 18, 2017 As the class struggle heated up in Venezuela this year, fueled by interventionist threats by the pro-US Organization of American States (OAS) bloc, many former supporters of the Bolivarian revolution have remained sitting on the fence. Fed up with these fair-weather friends and their critiques […]