
CONFIRMED: Venezuela dumps Dollar for good

The government of Venezuela has confirmed that it is ceasing the sales of its vast oil reverse in the US Dollar. The move will help the oil rich South American country dodge the unilateral sanctions recently passed by the US. US sanctions and threats of military action against Venezuela have been roundly condemned by both Russia and China.
Venezuela will begin trading oil in Euros. A similar move was made by the Iraqi government in the year 2000.

The Myth of Canada’s “Benevolent” Foreign Policy

A house built on an imaginary foundation may be a “dream home” but it can never be lived in. The same holds true in politics.
One need not mythologize Canadian foreign policy history to oppose the Trudeau government’s egregious position on nuclear arms. In fact, ‘benevolent Canada’ dogma weakens the critical consciousness needed to reject the policies of our foreign policy establishment.

Preferred Conclusions – The BBC, Syria And Venezuela

The goal of a mass media propaganda campaign is to create the impression that 'everybody knows' that Saddam is a 'threat', Gaddafi is 'about to commit mass murder', Assad 'has to go', Corbyn is 'destroying the Labour party', and so on. The picture of the world presented must be clear-cut. The public must be made to feel certain that the 'good guys' are basically benevolent, and the 'bad guys' are absolutely appalling and must be removed.

Venezuelan FM Responds to Nikki Haley’s Accusations: US is ‘Greatest Violator’ of Human Rights

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister defended Venezuela’s right to speak at the U.N. Human Rights Council against remarks made by the U.S. ambassador. The Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, defended Venezuela’s right to participate in the United Nations Human Rights Council against the attacks of the United States U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley, and said that the United States is […]

Odebrecht Denies $100 Million Bribe to Top Venezuelan Politician

By RACHAEL BOOTHROYD ROJAS | Venezuelanalysis | September 8 2017 The scandal-besieged company Odebrecht has refuted claims made by former Venezuelan Attorney General Luisa Ortega that it paid $USD100 million to Venezuelan politician Diosdado Cabello in exchange for lucrative state contracts. The accusations against Cabello, who is the President of the United Socialist Party of […]

Venezuelan State Reopens Investigations into Hundreds of Suspected Rural Activist Assassinations

By RACHAEL BOOTHROYD ROJAS | Venezuelanalysis | September 7, 2017 Bogota – Three hundred unresolved cases of rural land activists allegedly murdered at the hands of hired assassins will be re-opened by Venezuela’s Public Prosecution service in an effort to root out impunity for politically motivated crimes. The measure was agreed in a high level […]