
The Rising of Britain’s “New Politics”

As the Tories plot to get rid of Prime Minister Theresa May, John Pilger analyses the alternative Labour Party, specifically its foreign policy, which may not be what it seems.
Delegates to the recent Labour Party conference in the English seaside town of Brighton seemed not to notice a video playing in the main entrance.  The world’s third biggest arms manufacturer, BAe Systems, supplier to Saudi Arabia, was promoting its guns, bombs, missiles, naval ships and fighter aircraft.

US suspends visa services in Turkey citing “security concerns”

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US topping polls of ‘greatest threat to world peace’ to continue

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Trump, Mattis And The Asymmetric War Against Venezuela

After the purge of the strategist Steve Bannon from the ultra-nationalist entourage of Donald Trump by the troika of generals who took over the White House: James “Mad Dog” Mattis, Secretary of Defense; H.. R. McMaster, National Security Adviser, and John Kelly, Chief of Staff, the non-conventional and asymmetric war against Venezuela, partially declared by the President of the United States, could now pass to a new phase of military escalation.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to hold meeting with President Putin in Moscow

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Canada: NDP Leadership Candidate Jagmeet Singh embraces Imperialist Policies of Helene Laverdiere

Shouldn’t leaders who claim to support the interests of the poor and working class inside Canada also take left wing positions internationally?
Yet when a leadership candidate for a left wing party embraces a politician who has repeatedly taken pro-imperialist international stances it hardly creates a stir. Reflecting an indifference to the injustices the Canadian government commits abroad, Jagmeet Singh’s alignment with Hélène Laverdière has been all but ignored.

Venezuela puts military on war footing

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Venezuela’s FM compares Trump to Joseph McCarthy, Richard Nixon AND Barack Obama in hard hitting speech

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Trump Expands Travel Ban to Include North Korea and Venezuela

Addition of North Korea and Venezuela broadens restrictions from original, mostly Muslim-majority list.

(MEE) — The United States will prohibit entry of citizens from North Korea to the US as part of a sweeping new travel ban that also slaps restrictions on Iran, Chad, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen and Somalia, the Trump administration said in a statement on Sunday.