
US Calls Venezuela Global Threat at UN as EU Approves Arms Embargo

The US chaired an informal meeting at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Monday to discuss the situation in Venezuela despite a boycott from leading members such as China and Russia.
“The crisis in Venezuela today poses a direct threat to international peace and security. Venezuela is an increasingly violent narco-state that threatens the region, the hemisphere, and the world,” Washington’s ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, declared during the session.

Russia to write-off $3 billion in Venezuelan debt

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President Putin in Tehran: Emissary of Peace and Promoter of Resistance Economy

President Putin arrived in Tehran on 1 November for talks with the Ayatollah Khamenei. First, to cement the Nuclear Agreement of 2015 (Vienna), as far as Russia is concerned, thereby sidelining Trump’s attempt at reneging on the agreement. Second, to sign billions worth of tripartite hydrocarbon deals between Russia, Iran and Azerbeijan. And this in ruble. NOT in US dollars, thus, effectively detaching Iran from the dollar hegemony.

Canada a settler state helping pull imperial strings, not a colony

By Yves Engler · November 4, 2017 Colony or settler state? Recently foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland dismissed concerns that Canada was seeking “regime change” in Venezuela by saying “Canada has never been an imperialist power. It’s even almost funny to say that phrase: we’ve been the colony.” As I detailed in an initial response, Ottawa has passively or actively […]

Canada Sanctions Venezuela’s Maduro

By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim | Venezuelanalysis | November 3, 2017 Canada announced Friday it had imposed new sanctions on President Nicolas Maduro and other senior government officials. A total of 19 officials and ex-officials were targeted, including Vice-President Tareck El Aissami, intelligence czar Gustavo Gonzalez, and Oil Minister Eulogio del Pino. Canada’s Foreign Ministry accused Maduro […]

Chrystia Freeland: Canada doesn’t engage in “regime change”

A huge surprise to the people of Libya, Haiti, Honduras, Chile, Democratic Rep. Congo, Ghana, Uganda, Guatemala, and … By Yves Engler | Dissident Voice | October 31, 2017 It may walk and quack like a regime-change-promoting duck, but Ottawa’s unilateral sanctions and support for Venezuela’s opposition is actually just a cuddly Canadian beaver, says […]