
Genocide Washington Style: Venezuela Next?

Why does nobody dare to pronounce the term “Genocide” in connection with the Washington-committed atrocities around the globe? If there is one nation that is guilty of mass-murder it is the United States of America and her Zionist handlers. But nobody seems to pay attention. Or, rather, nobody dares to say so. It has become the new normal. Enshrined in people’s brains.

New Defense Strategy: War With Great Nations and Arms Race

This week, following the recent announcement of a new National Defense Strategy that focuses on conflicts with great powers and a new arms race, the Pentagon announced an escalation of nuclear weapons development. The United States’ military is spread across the world, including several dangerous conflict areas that could develop into an all-out war, possibly in conflict with China or Russia.

World is Burning while Western Left is Quarrelling

It really is a shame, and it is tiring, but it is actually nothing new: there is now total disarray amongst those countless ‘progressive’ and ‘semi-left’ Western intellectuals, publications, movements and political parties.
Cowardice, bloated egos, lack of discipline and intellectual pettiness are often to blame, but that is not all.

U.S.: War Dog Wants to Bite, but What and How?

It could be truly comical, if it were not to be so dangerous for millions of people living all over the world. The Empire, once mighty, ruthless and frightening is now jumping around like a dog infected with rabies; it is salivating, barking loudly, its tale is stiff between its legs.
It snaps left and right, and periodically it is even trying to bite a piece of Moon off. But the Moon is far, too far, even for the best armed and the most aggressive country on Earth.

L’opposition au Venezuela se tourne vers l’armée pour renverser Maduro. Ça ne marchera pas ! Par John Otis

Incroyable article du Guardian à propos d’un renversement armé du gouvernement vénézuélien…
Source : The Guardian, John Otis, 09-01-2018
L’opposition, ayant échoué à renverser le Président Nicolas Maduro, parle ouvertement d’un coup d’état mais le parti au pouvoir et les militaires en tirent des bénéfices mutuels.

Western Journalists Threaten Venezuela

Whitewashing a vile opposition leadership for decades makes military invasion a possibility By Joe Emersberger | teleSUR | January 9, 2018 “Venezuela opposition looks to military to oust Maduro. Dream on” says the headline to an article by John Otis in the Guardian. “Having failed to dislodge President Nicolás Maduro, the opposition is openly talking […]