
UN Independent Expert: Venezuela Should Take US to the International Court of Justice

Alfred de Zayas, a UN Independent Expert for the promotion of an international democratic and equitable order, told Venezuela’s newspaper Últimas Noticias that “it is time” for Venezuela to ask the International Criminal Court “for an investigation into the crimes against humanity committed by the United States for imposing sanctions against it.”
Why do you consider sanctions as crimes against humanity?

Maduro: Spain’s Persecution of Catalan Leaders ‘Shameful’

teleSUR | March 27, 2018 After five Catalan pro-independence leaders were arrested Saturday, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro slammed the Spanish authorities over persecution of the Catalan leaders and people simply for independence aspirations. “What’s happening in Spain is shameful, Catalan politicians jailed only for their ideas… whether or not you agree with these elected lawmakers’ […]

America First? Enter the über-hawks: Pompeo and Bolton

Even as Britain and parts of Europe – though not it should be stressed the rest of the world – have been distracted by the hysteria about the Skripal case flooding out of London, far more important events have been happening across the Atlantic.
President Trump’s position becoming stronger
Firstly, President Trump’s political position is beginning to look significantly stronger with the decision of the House Intelligence Committee to close down its Russiagate investigation and to report that there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The ICC Plays Scripted Role in Regime Change Plot Against Venezuela

THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS (Opinion) — The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, recently announced that a “preliminary investigation” would be launched into the sovereign state of Venezuela, citing alleged incidents of state violence committed during the months of street protests in 2017. These violent protests claimed the lives of over 100 people from direct violence, violence related to looting, road blockades that prevented ambulances from reaching hospitals, as well as instances of adventurism.

UN seeks rare labor probe against Venezuela

Press TV – March 21, 2018 The UN’s labor body on Wednesday set up an investigation into alleged violations in Venezuela, following a request by a private-sector group long opposed to the Caracas government. The United Nations’ International Labor Organization rarely creates this type of probe, known as a Commission of Inquiry. The last case […]

US Imposes Sanctions Against Venezuela’s Petro Cryptocurrency

U.S. President Donald Trump has announced fresh sanctions against Venezuela’s fledgling Petro cryptocurrency, which was launched specifically to help stabilize the Latin American nation’s economy.
The blockade, due to be signed and implemented today, restricts the use of Petros in U.S. financial transactions, McClatchy reports.
Trump and other critics have claimed the Petro, backed by Venezuela’s oil reserves – the largest in the world – is unreliable. Yet in presales alone, Venezuela has already made over US$5 billion dollars.

Betraying the Bolivarian Revolution: Vichy Journalism at teleSUR English

QUITO, ECUADOR (Special Report) — Rita Anaya¹ was a 25-year-old graduate student living in southern California when Venezuelan activists invited her to travel to their homeland for the first time in 2007. Her initial response, she freely acknowledges now, was one of ambivalence, but when you’re the daughter of a Chicano farmworker and a Jewish labor organizer (from Queens, no less), there’s a sort of Calvinist inevitability to these things: ”You are who you are before you’re born, player,” as Jay-Z might say.

Venezuelan Opposition Protests Proposed UN Electoral Observer Mission

Venezuelanalysis | March 13, 2018 Caracas – Supporters of Venezuela’s Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) opposition coalition marched on the headquarters of the United Nations in Caracas Monday to protest the possibility of the international body sending an observer mission to monitor the country’s upcoming May 20 elections. In a letter addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the […]