
Iran to get help with nuclear program from China, if Trump kills deal

Despite European pleas to leave the JCPOA deal alone, Trump fully intends to alter or completely reneg. In addition to Trump’s desire to renegotiate or scrap the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, limiting Iran’s nuclear development program, Trump has added two anti-Iran hawks to his cabinet in recent months, including the addition of addition of Mike Pompeo as the new Secretary of State and John “bomb Iran” Bolton.

Despite International ‘Attacks,’ Venezuela Elections Will Go Ahead as Planned

teleSUR | April 11, 2018 Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza says his country will go ahead with the presidential elections scheduled for May, despite foreign interference and the threat of further sanctions. Speaking at a press conference in Brussels, Belgium, Arreaza said: “The only ones who have to recognize the results in Venezuela are the […]

Trump Team Coaching Latin American Allies on Drafting Anti-Venezuela Legislation

In yet another attempt at undermining Venezuela’s democracy, U.S. President Donald Trump is prepping a team of lawyers and policy experts to help right-wing Latin American governments write new laws to impose sanctions on Venezuelan officials and industries, as part of Washington’s economic and political war against the leftist government aiming to oust President Nicolas Maduro, a U.S. source familiar with the policies told McClatchy News’ Washington Bureau.

Venezuela Hits Back Following New Sanctions over Alleged Funding of WMD and Terrorism

By Paul Dobson | Mint Press News | April 4, 2018 Venezuelan authorities hit back at their counterparts in Panama and Switzerland this week after they approved new measures targeting Caracas. Panama’s Economic and Finance Ministry announced this past March 27 that a warning was being issued to the Central American country’s banks advising them to limit […]

America’s Looming War With Venezuela: What You’re Not Being Told

(ANTIMEDIA) — Countries that don’t eagerly follow the U.S.-led global order make prime targets for American-led invasions, particularly when those countries challenge the status of the U.S. dollar. Right now, Venezuela is one of these countries. Venezuela sits on the world’s largest oil reserves, and in order to free itself from what it calls the “tyranny of the U.S. dollar” in maximizing its potential […]

Venezuela Rejects Swiss Sanctions & Panama Accusations of Funding WMD and Terrorism

By Paul Dobson | Venezuelanalysis | April 3, 2018 Venezuelan authorities hit back at their counterparts in Panama and Switzerland this week after they approved new measures targeting Caracas. Panama’s Economic and Finance Ministry announced this past March 27 that a warning was being issued to the Central American country’s banks advising them to limit […]

Who cares about Ottawa interference in Venezuela’s election?

By Yves Engler · April 3, 2018 Is there no voice in Parliament willing to denounce Canadian interference in another country’s electoral process? The Trudeau government is engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to weaken Venezuela’s elected government. In a bid to elicit “regime change,” Ottawa has worked to isolate Caracas, imposed sanctions, and supported the […]

Canada Openly Seeking “Regime Change” in Venezuela

Is there no voice in Parliament willing to denounce Canadian interference in another country’s electoral process?
The Trudeau government is engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to weaken Venezuela’s elected government. In a bid to elicit “regime change,” Ottawa has worked to isolate Caracas, imposed sanctions, and supported the country’s opposition.