
The Koreas Unified and at Peace?

Peace in the Koreas is what the world expects; and Peace in the world is what humanity expects, the vast majority. 99.9% of the world population wants peace, but it’s the 0.1% that commands war and destruction, since war and destruction is what runs the western economy. Literally. If peace would break out what we in the west still call economy — though it’s a fraud, every day more visible — would collapse. In the US the war industry with all the associated production and service industries, including the Silicon Valley and banking, contributes more than 50% to GDP.

Bolivia Scrambles to Maintain South American Unity Amid US Support For Right Wing Governments

QUITO, ECUADOR — Bolivia plans on struggling hard to maintain the unity of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), after half of its member states declared the indefinite suspension of their participation in the regional organization, President Evo Morales told reporters yesterday.
“We are going to make all the efforts to reach consensus to overcome this problem,” the Bolivian leader said upon arriving at the airport in Havana, Cuba, where he is meeting the new president, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

Western Media Shorthand on Venezuela Conveys and Conceals So Much

By Joe Emersberger | FAIR | April 23, 2018 A Reuters article (4/18/18) reports that the European Union “could impose further sanctions on Venezuela if it believes democracy is being undermined there.” The line nicely illustrates the kind of journalistic shorthand Western media have developed, over years of repetition, for conveying distortions and whitewashing gross […]

Trump takes to Twitter to slam OPEC over ‘artificially high’ oil prices

Some of the largest oil producers have voluntarily agreed to cut back on oil production in an effort to dial back on stockpiles of stored crude.
OPEC senior officials, include the Russians, among others, on Friday expressed their satisfaction with the deal that was implemented in 2016 with a view to limit production.
The pact, which also involves non OPEC producers, have committed to cutting 2% of global oil production.

A Professor Weighs in on Venezuela’s Emigration of Youth

A few weeks ago, we began a new trimester in the university. I, as the annoying professor that I am, always ask my students to tell me: why are you here? The question basically is looking to see what motivates them to immerse themselves in this fascinating but thankless experience, and in particular, why choose to write in a world where audiovisual media are ravaging other forms of expression.
However, this time, the context made my questioning be interpreted in a different way: