
Maduro’s Beijing Visit Spooks a US Plotting Venezuela’s Isolation

BEIJING – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro received a rare yet exceedingly warm welcome Thursday as he landed in Beijing, where the oft-maligned leader and target of U.S.-spearheaded regime-change efforts will discuss new ways in which his government and the People’s Republic of China can deepen their relations and strengthen their long-running ties.

Why the New York Times Editorial Opposing Military Intervention in Venezuela May Do More Harm Than Good

There is a growing body of pro-establishment statements opposing the possibility of U.S. military intervention in Venezuela. The latest expression of this position is a New York Times editorial titled “Stay Out of Venezuela, Mr. Trump” published on September 11. At first glance, the editorial is a welcomed statement that counters the careless war-mongering declarations coming from the ilk of Marco Rubio and a number of high-ranking Trump administration officials as well as Trump himself.

Porkins Policy Radio ep. 157 The Chris Benoit Files w/ Keelan Balderson and US Destabilization in Nicaragua w/ Daniel Kovalik

Return guest Keelan Balderson of was my guest in the first hour. We discussed his recently remastered documentary “The Chris Benoit Files.” The film explores the brutal murder/suicide of WWE star Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and seven year old son Daniel Benoit. Keelan breaks down the three day long crime which ended with Chris Benoit’s suicide. Keelan attempted to dispel many of the popular conspiracy theories as we attempted to understand how such an extreme and horrific act could be committed.

Production and Conflict in El Maizal Commune

Commune or Nothing – Free Men and Free Land,” mural in El Maizal. (Photo: Ricardo Vaz)
In this article we examine the productive activities of El Maizal Commune, based on our visit in May. We also look at the relation between the commune and state companies, and explore the contradictions that emerge as the communal project moves forward.

US Officials Held Secret Meetings With Military Coup Plotters in Venezuela

(CD) — Critics across the globe are expressing alarm over the “stunning but not surprising” revelation reported by the New York Times on Saturday that, according to 11 American officials and a former Venezuelan military commander, “the Trump administration held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from Venezuela over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro.” […]

Nikki Haley: “US Will Not Remain A Passive Observer As Nicaragua Becomes Another Venezuela Or Syria”

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley warned the UN Security Council on Wednesday that Nicaragua is heading down the path that led to conflict in Syria and an economic collapse in Venezuela.
“With each passing day, Nicaragua travels further down a familiar path,” Haley told a meeting of the UN Security Council on the deteriorating environment in the Central American country. “It is a path that Syria has taken. It is a path that Venezuela has taken.”

Traditional Fantasies: US designs on Venezuela

The irresistible allure of invasion and interference has never been far from US law makers.  The imperium needs its regular feed and what a feed it has been over the decades, notably within the sphere of influence discomfortingly termed Washington’s backyard.  The current US president has shown himself a keen follower of the idea that the US military, that old,[Read More...]

Traditional Fantasies: US Designs on Venezuela

The irresistible allure of invasion and interference has never been far from US law makers.  The imperium needs its regular feed and what a feed it has been over the decades, notably within the sphere of influence discomfortingly termed Washington’s backyard.  The current US president has shown himself a keen follower of the idea that the US military, that old, and not yet diminished strongman of capitalism, might come into play to rid Washington of various irritations in Latin America.  Venezuela has featured very highly in that regard.

US Forces Anti-Nicaragua Agenda On UN Security Council

The U.N. Security Council meeting will move forward with a controversial decision to discuss Nicaragua and Venezuela, even without the consensus of all 15 members.
On Tuesday, China, Russia, Bolivia and Ethiopia rejected the U.S. proposal to include Nicaragua and Venezuela on the council agenda, saying the two Latin American countries pose no international security threat and that doing so could jeopardize peace efforts.
Equatorial Guinea and Kuwait were also hesitant to convene the conversation.