
On the Eve of Maduro’s Inauguration, A New Phase in the Campaign Against Venezuela

Venezuelan President Nicholás Maduro’s inauguration for his second term on January 10 is targeted by the US, the allied Lima Group, and the hardline Venezuelan opposition.  They have demanded that Maduro refuse inauguration. A multifaceted attack aimed at regime change is underway using sanctions, military threats, and a campaign of delegitimization to replace the democratically elected president.

Uruguay Boots Hawkish Ex-Foreign Minister After He Calls for Bombing Venezuela

Luis Almagro is the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), whose tenure is best defined by the quasi-evangelical zeal with which he has condemned and sought to delegitimise the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro. On 15 December, Uruguay’s Frente Amplio (Broad Front) government announced it had finally had enough after Almagro had advocated Maduro’s removal by any means necessary, including force.

Porkins Policy Radio 168 2018 End of Year Special with Abby Martin, Robbie Martin and JG Michael

In the first hour Abby and Robbie Martin for an end of the year special. We kick things off by talking about our overall impressions of 2018. Abby and Robbie touched on the stories and narratives that were most important during this tumultuous year. We then moved into the realm of geopolitics and some of the biggest events which took place in 2018. We talked about the war in Yemen and the continued violence against the Palestinians. We discussed the lack of media coverage on foreign affairs this year, and how Trump has ceded power to the neocon movement when it comes to geopolitics.

New Russian Carribean military base

Moscow has apparently decided to set up a military base in the Caribbean Sea. This base would be on the island of La Orchila, roughly 120 miles northeast of Caracas. The recent arrival of two Tu-160 supersonic bombers is for this new base.
This move reportedly is a response to US President Donald Trump’s intent to abandon the Intermediate Range Nuclear Missile treaty signed with the Soviet Union decades ago. This news was reported by

Why are Russian Tu-160 Nuclear Bombers in Venezuela? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and International Affairs and Security Analyst via Moscow, Mark Sleboda take a look at Russia’s military cooperation with Venezuela, and how this military partnership leaves neocons in Washington crying ‘Russian aggression’.
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Venezuela’s Maduro Says John Bolton Was Behind his Assassination Attempt

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gave a press conference to international media Wednesday where he hailed the success of the Venezuelan municipal elections, while also accusing the United States of plotting to kill him.
Specifically, he pointed the finger at John Bolton, President Trump’s national security advisor, who he said was coordinating efforts to topple his government.