
LAVROV: ‘You Don’t Need Mueller to Know Who’s Interfering in Venezuelan Elections’

IMAGE: US Neocons, led this week by VP Mike Pence, are trying to flex their regime change muscles in Venezuela, while being mocked by Russian foreign minister Sergie Lavrov.
Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov mocked the United States today in a statement which pointed out what election meddling really looks like.

US Recognition of Rival Venezuela Government Sets Dangerous New Precedent

The Trump administration’s January 23 recognition of Venezuela’s National Assembly leader, Juan Guaidó, as the president of Venezuela, in opposition to the “de facto” and “de jure” president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, threatens an avalanche of nations recognizing leaders of various political factions in countries around the world as legitimate governments. In reaction to Trump’s move, Maduro severed diplomatic relations with Washington and ordered all US embassy personnel in Caracas to leave the country within 72-hours.

Imperialism’s Direct Intervention In Venezuela

First phase of imperialism’s direct intervention in Venezuela has started. The US has “officially” recognized a self-proclaimed president of Venezuela as the country’s president while the rightists are trying to create chaos on Caracas streets. Guaidó, the self-proclaimed president, have been recognized by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru, the countries collaborating with the US[Read More...]

Venezuelan army disavows self-proclaimed leader, will defend national sovereignty – defense minister

RT | January 23, 2019 The Venezuelan military will not accept a president imposed by “dark interests,” Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said after Washington and a number of its allies recognized a lawmaker as the new leader in Caracas. The army will continue to defend the constitution and national sovereignty, Padrino said on Wednesday afternoon, […]

US Backs Coup in Oil-Rich Venezuela, Right-Wing Opposition Plans Mass Privatization and Hyper-Capitalism

The US has effectively declared a coup in Venezuela. Trump recognized unelected right-wing opposition leader Juan Guaidó as new “president,”…
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Porkins Policy Radio episode 170 JP Sottile and Robbie Martin on 2020 Dems, Trumps future, and neocon Tulsi Gabbard

JP Sottile joined me in the first hour to discuss the current political climate and the soon approaching 2020 Presidential election. We talked about the possibility of Trump not running in 2020 and the potential Republicans that might take his place. JP floated the idea of both John Kasich and Nikki Haley running. Later we talked about the seemingly endless list of Democrats lining up to take the nomination. JP and I touch on Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Mitch Landrieu, John Hickenlooper, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Joe Biden.

Venezuela’s supreme court declares all acts of opposition-led National Assembly illegal

RT | January 21, 2019 Venezuela’s Supreme Court has declared all acts of the country’s National Assembly null and void, days after the opposition-held assembly declared President Nicolas Maduro’s election illegitimate. The National Assembly is a 167-seat legislature, currently headed by Juan Guaidó of the Popular Will party – a fierce opponent of Maduro, who […]