
The Failure of Guaido’s Constitutional Claim to the Presidency of Venezuela

By William Walter Kay | Global Research | January 29, 2019 The three constitutional articles invoked by Juan Guaido to legitimise his presidency are: 233, 333, and 350. The latter two are broad affirmations of democracy and constitutionality, silent on Presidential lines of succession. Guaido’s claim rests entirely on 233; presented here in full: The […]

Three Reasons Macron is a Hypocrite when it Comes to Venezuela

By Jim Carey | Geopolitics Alert | January 29, 2019 Paris – French President Emmanuel Macron recently voiced support for protesters in Venezuela as his own country has been ground to a halt by protests every weekend. There is an overused saying that “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” While these few words may […]

Three Reasons Why Macron Is a Hypocrite When It Comes to Venezuela

(GPA Op-ed) — French President Emmanuel Macron recently voiced support for protesters in Venezuela while his own country has been ground to a halt by massive protests every Saturday for eleven weeks. There is an overused saying that “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” While these few words may be cliche there is definitely one man […]

US Coup in Venezuela Motivated by Oil and Corporate Interests – Militarist John Bolton Spills the Beans

In an interview on Fox Business, Trump’s hyper-militaristic National Security Adviser John Bolton admitted the US-led coup in Venezuela is…
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“Very Dangerous”: US Seizes Venezuela Oil Assets, Renews Threat of Military Action

(CD) — The Trump administration intensified its interference in politically-fractured Venezuela on Monday by announcing the seizure of billions of dollars in assets connected to the nation’s state-owned oil company, a move critics decried as part of a “dangerous” U.S. policy to help opposition forces overthrow elected president Nicolás Maduro. National Security Adviser John Bolton and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced the sanctions […]

Venezuela: Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

A “democratic” U.S. government legally elected by a minority of the vote is now calling for democracy in Venezuela by attempting to overthrow its government,  which was recently elected by a more than two-thirds vote after a highly-fragmented political opposition abstained from participation (on U.S. instructions) because it lacked popular support and felt that it was unlikely to win. The point man for the regime change operation is Elliott Abrams, whose biography tells us everything we need to know to evaluate the alleged democratic intentions of the Trump administration.