
Will Venezuela be The Straw That Breaks Imperialism’s Back?

I open Countercurrents (No easy task here in Russia where it is blocked) and I am filled with joy at the number of articles that appear day after day on the situation in Venezuela. They show just how important the situation there is to people on the left; how important it is to those who cry out against injustice, against[Read More...]

 USA Backs Coup in Venezuela, Makes the Godfather Look Like Mary Poppins

“The essence of what exists in the U.S. is not democracy but capitalism-imperialism and political structures to enforce that capitalism-imperialism. What the U.S. spreads around the world is not democracy, but imperialism and political structures to enforce that imperialism.” Bob Avakian, BAsics 1:3 Over the last week politicians and media have been spewing honeyed bullshit over their direct efforts to[Read More...]

Dishonesty, omissions and lies in reporting on the Venezuelan economic crisis

Since 2015 Venezuela has endured gruesome economic hardships. Inflation rates have spiraled out of control, and the public is facing a recession that is tearing the country apart. Now, Venezuelans not only face economic turmoil, but also direct military aggression. A sane response of anyone who wishes to help Venezuelans through these troubles is to try to understand why this[Read More...]

 What the Venezuelan Constitution Says About Changing the President

Venezuela’s Constitution simply does not permit what U.S. President Trump is demanding, which is overthrowing and replacing the elected Venezuelan President by the second-in-line-of succession. What Trump demands is comparable in Venezuela to, in America, removing Trump and skipping over the Vice President and appointing Nancy Pelosi as America’s President, and it also violates the Venezuelan Constitution’s requirement that the[Read More...]

Peculiarities of US Imperialism in Latin America

By James Petras | Axis of Logic | January 30, 2019 Understanding imperialism as a general phenomenon loses sight of its modus operandi in any specific and meaningful context. While the exercise of imperialist power is a common strategy, its motives, instruments, objectives and engagement vary, depending on the nature of the imperial ruler and […]