
Bolton Threatens to Send Venezuela’s Maduro to Guantanamo Bay Prison

(CD) — National Security Adviser John Bolton—the neoconservative who’s played a key role in the Trump administration’s effort to overthrow the Venezuelan government—suggested on Friday that President Nicolás Maduro could find himself locked away in the U.S. military prison at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Station in Cuba if he does not soon step aside. Bolton—who has repeatedly threatened U.S. military action to force […]

Your Complete Guide to the NY Times’ Support of US-Backed Coups in Latin America

By Adam H. JOHNSON | TruthDig | January 29, 2019 On Friday, The New York Times continued its long, predictable tradition of backing U.S. coups in Latin America by publishing an editorial praising Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. This will be the 10th such coup the paper has backed since the creation of […]

Shock and awe strategy being employed in Venezuela regime change (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou take a quick look at the financial and media war being waged in Venezuela, as John Bolton employs the usual U.S. weapons of regime change to tighten the screws on Maduro and his embattled government.
Will Maduro survive the US onslaught to emerge in tact, or will Venezuela slide quickly into chaos and civil war or slowly drift into a frozen quagmire of a nation state?

Regime Change In Venezuela: Army Defectors, Russian Mercenaries And Disappearing Gold

South Front | January 31, 2019 Over the past few days, the intensity of anti-government protests in Venezuela has declined despite attempts of the US-led bloc to warm them up through both public and clandestine measures. However, the conflict continues to develop amid the acute standoff in the media sphere between the Maduro government and […]

Why Jeremy Hunt’s Support for Venezuela’s Self-declared President Must be Rejected

The British government’s agenda towards Venezuela is blatantly interventionist, with the Foreign Office now flagrantly breaking international law in support of US geopolitics in Latin America, and it is backed by politicians from across the spectrum.  Regardless of party allegiance, politicians serving the British establishment are intoxicated by the prospect of reining in a people who have said ‘no’ to […]

Imperialists’ secret moves on Venezuela now stand exposed

Imperialists’ move to steal Venezuela’s assets and their secret preparations over a long period are now becoming known. The US, the self-appointed guardian of “democracy”, has already seized $7 billion in assets of Venezuela by imposing sanctions against PDVSA, the state oil company of Venezuela. The imperialist power, declares that it likes “to help prevent the further diversion” of assets[Read More...]

Crisis in Caracas — Can USA take over Venezuela?

By 29-January a photo from a press conference of US National Security Advisor John Bolton went viral, Mr Bolton had some yellow note sheets in his hand on which ‘5000 soldiers in Columbia’ was written. Speculation was high that US gathered or arranged 5000 soldiers in Columbia to invade Venezuela giving a final touch to the awaited coup d’état. Russian[Read More...]

CNN Goes ‘Undercover’ To Manufacture Consent For Coup Attempt In Venezuela

By Kevin Gosztola | ShadowProof | January 29, 2019 A CNN “exclusive” report from inside Venezuela aired multiple times on the network on January 28. It is a prime example of how influential media outlets in the U.S. effectively create propaganda for the opposition, which now is receiving funds from President Donald Trump’s administration. For […]