
US – Led Coup In Venezuela: The Plot Thickens

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese  & Margaret Flowers A lot has happened and we have learned more since last week when we wrote, Venezuela: What Activists Need To Know About The US-Led Coup. This article updates activists so we remain well-informed and can educate others in the face of a bi-partisan and corporate media narrative supporting the coup. This weekend, there were[Read More...]

Gaza Rallies for Caracas: On the West’s Dangerous Game in Venezuela

Co-Written by Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets of besieged Gaza to show their support of the democratically-elected government of Venezuela and it’s legitimate leader, President Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela is struggling to defeat a coup attempt that is supported by the United States, Israel and many Western governments. The relationship between Venezuela and Palestine[Read More...]

UNSC: Russia Compares the Situation in Venezuela to the ‘Yellow Vests’ Crisis

Russian Representative at the United Nations Security Council, devoted to ‘The situation in Venezuela’, January 26, 2019. Transcript: President: I give the floor to the representative of the Russian Federation. Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya: Thank you, Mr. President. The distinguished representative of Germany devoted a major part of his statement to […]

What the mainstream media doesn’t tell you about Venezuela

By Yves Engler · February 3, 2019 The corporate media is wholeheartedly behind the federal government’s push for regime change in Venezuela. The propaganda is thick and, as per usual, it is as much about what they don’t, as what they do, report. Here are some important developments that have largely been ignored by Canada’s […]