
Guaido Says All Opportunities for Dialogue With Maduro Government Exhausted

Sputnik – 04.02.2019 All opportunities for dialogue with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro have been exhausted, Venezuelan opposition parliament speaker Juan Guaido, who has proclaimed himself the country’s interim president, said on Monday, after declining Mexico and Uruguay’s offer to mediate a dialogue with Maduro. “As for the initiative of Mexico and Uruguay, I must be […]

Canada Doubles Down on Media Censorship of Lima Group Meeting

teleSUR | February 24, 2019 The Foreign Ministry of Canada has denied access to several media outlets to cover the Lima Group meeting taking place in Ottawa Monday. At that meeting, countries who are currently allied against Venezuela are expected to discuss further steps associated with their actions against the Bolivarian nation. Canada’s foreign ministry […]

These Are the US Companies Backing the Venezuelan Coup Attempt

(MPN) — For much of the past twenty years, critics of U.S. foreign policy have noted that it is often countries with sizeable oil reserves that most often find themselves the targets of U.S.-backed “humanitarian” interventions aimed at “restoring democracy.” Analysis of the nearly two-decades-long U.S. effort aimed at regime change and “democracy promotion” in Venezuela […]

The Real Reason the US Wants Regime Change in Venezuela

(SCG) —  The US is backing another coup attempt in Venezuela. As usual, they claim that their objectives are democracy and freedom. Nothing could be farther from the truth. On January 23rd, 2019 Venezuela’s opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself acting president, and called on the armed forces to disobey the government. Very few had ever heard […]

Venezuela, Gaddafi, the Bank of England & Why You Can’t Own Your Gold…

As the multi-layered manuevering in regard to Venezuela continues, it was reported a couple of days ago that the Bank of England has taken actions in line with Washington’s lead. The Bank of England has refused to hand over $1.2 billion of Venezuelan gold back to the Venzuelan government. Above is a clip from RT […]

Regime Change for Profit: Chevron, Halliburton Cheer On US Venezuela Coup

WASHINGTON — For much of the past twenty years, critics of U.S. foreign policy have noted that it is often countries with sizeable oil reserves that most often find themselves the targets of U.S.-backed “humanitarian” interventions aimed at “restoring democracy.” Analysis of the nearly two-decades-long U.S. effort aimed at regime change and “democracy promotion” in Venezuela has long linked such efforts to the fact that the South American country has the world’s largest proven oil reserves.

Trump Regime Launches Coup in Venezuela. Deep State Smiles as Globalism Grows.

Although we may oppose socialism, and although we may desire to help the suffering people in Venezuela, we do not serve those objectives by interfering in other governments, assassinating opposition leaders, organizing riots and revolutions, and installing puppet leaders whose only goal is power and wealth.

US issues new threats of war for oil against Venezuela

President Trump, Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor John Bolton escalated threats to launch a war against Venezuela, as large pro- and anti-government demonstrations filled Venezuela’s streets on Saturday. In an interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation” program that aired before the Super Bowl yesterday, Trump reiterated that military intervention “is an option.” Pence assured a crowd of far-right[Read More...]