
Support for Venezuela Takes Center Stage at UNESCO-Sponsored Cuba Conference

Close to 700 conferees from 65 countries convened in Havana, Cuba from January 28-31, for peace and “world balance.” This, the fourth such conference, was dedicated to honoring the ideals of Cuban national hero José Martí who died in 1895 at the age of 42 fighting for independence from colonial Spain. The event was organized by the José Martí Project of International Solidarity, which is sponsored by UNESCO.

Paris steps up calls for coup in Venezuela

After the major European powers recognized far-right politician Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s “interim president,” Paris is stepping up threats and calls for regime change in Caracas. Reprising the methods of the Trump administration, which recognized Guaidó as president via Twitter, Paris and the other European powers are resorting to utter lawlessness, trampling Venezuelan sovereignty underfoot in a bid to plunder[Read More...]

Venezuela: US Pursuing Humanitarian Aid Path To War

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The United States has been working with oligarchs in Venezuela to remove President Maduro since he came to office in 2013 after the death of Hugo Chavez and was re-elected that year. After he won re-election to another six-year term in 2018, the regime change planners sought new strategies to remove Maduro, including[Read More...]

 We Must All Become Yellow Vests

We, the readers of Countercurrents, are very well-informed people, perhaps more well informed than the readers of any other newspaper in the world.  Since the situation in Venezuela has become apparent, scholar after scholar, journalist after journalist, commentator after commentator has come forward to provide information on what is going on there.  America’s actions in Venezuela have been put in[Read More...]

Venezuelan Oil Exports Plunge On ‘Harsher’ Sanctions

By Nick Cunningham | | February 4, 2019 Venezuela’s oil production could be disrupted to a greater degree than most analysts first thought, as the U.S. government seeks essentially shut in the country’s oil sector. When the Trump administration first announced sanctions on Venezuela’s oil sector a little over a week ago, it sounded […]

Canada’s goal of overthrowing Venezuela’s government is decades old

By Yves Engler · ricochet · January 31, 2019 According to the official story that the Liberal government and most of the mainstream media have been trying to sell, Ottawa recently recognized the leader of Venezuela’s National Assembly as that country’s president because Nicolas Maduro suspended the constitution 18 months ago and thus lost legitimacy. […]

Juan Guaido Promises Oil Deals for US Gas Giants If He Takes Power

(GPA) – Making the empires ambitions clear, US stooge Juan Guaidó has promised Venezuelan oil to US corporations. The US-backed Venezuelan “government” of Juan Guaidó has said there will be plenty of money to be made for Wall Street under a government without the current President, Nicolas Maduro. According to reports, this offer was made during a […]