
As US Laments Human Rights in Venezuela, US-Allied Colombia Descends into Drug-fueled Humanitarian Crisis

By Whitney Webb | MintPress News | February 8, 2019 BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA – Several troubling situations are currently playing out across Colombia, yet the country’s continuing downward spiral into drug-fueled and politically-motivated violence has caused little concern in Washington, offering yet another clear indication that the U.S.’ current posturing on Venezuela is hardly motivated by […]

As US Laments Human Rights in Venezuela, US-Allied Colombia Descends into Drug-fueled Humanitarian Crisis

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA (Analysis) — Several troubling situations are currently playing out across Colombia, yet the country’s continuing downward spiral into drug-fueled and politically-motivated violence has caused little concern in Washington, offering yet another clear indication that the U.S.’ current posturing on Venezuela is hardly motivated by concerns about “democracy,” “human rights,” or the welfare of the Venezuelan people.

William Hague Attacks Corbyn on Venezuela, Exposes Barbarism of Regime Change Policy

By Nina Cross | 21st Century Wire | February 8, 2019 The rhetoric of the  establishment media and political class in their attempt to vilify the mildest dissent from Jeremy Corbyn is shocking, not because it is unexpected, but because it is now apparently normal to break international law and plot to overthrow a government.  […]

Maduro Invokes Vietnam And Iraq Wars In Open Letter to the American People

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has penned an open letter to the people of the United States, warning that Washington is “willing to send their sons and daughters to die in an absurd war,” and that Venezuelan patriots “shall defend our homeland with all the pieces of our soul.” Maduro posted an image of the letter to Twitter, which he said would be delivered to the White House “to demand respect for our unwaivable right to peace.”

Corporate Interests Could Underlie Canada’s Support for Venezuela Coup

OTTAWA, CANADA — Canada’s government has now officially recognized Juan Guaidó of the “Voluntad Popular” Party as the leader of Venezuela. This support, in tandem with the EU, follows U.S. President Donald Trump’s immediate recognition of Juan Guaidó’s violent opposition party, and Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela.

Imperialist intervention in Venezuela: UPDATE 5

10 million-signature petition: “Hands off Venezuela” Bolivia, Mexico, Caricom reject EU-sponsored resolution on Venezuela UN warns against politicizing humanitarian aid and using it as “a pawn” Peru President rejects military intervention in Venezuela 500 luminaries for peace Labour Party in UK rejects EU’s recognition of Guaido Venezuela reveals evidence of plotters behind US-backed coup attempt Venezuela seizes US weapons destined[Read More...]