
How the Media Manufactures Consent for Regime Change in Venezuela

The latest extraordinary chapter in the bizarre world of Venezuelan politics is playing out before our eyes. After winning the 2018 presidential elections, Nicolás Maduro was inaugurated in January, only for the head of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó — a man whom, at the time, less than 20 percent of the country had even heard of — to declare himself President.

An open letter to the people of the U.S.A. from President Nicolás Maduro

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela delivered this Feb. 7 message to the people of the U.S. through social media. If I know anything, it is about the people, because just like you, I am a man of the people. I was born and raised in a poor neighborhood of Caracas. I was forged in the heat of popular and union[Read More...]

 Why Venezuela’s People Are Suffering

INTRODUCTION The case that will be documented here is that Venezuela’s people are suffering from a tragic national situation which actually cannot be reversed by anything that’s within the power of Venezuela’s Government to do or to block. In order to understand this very unfortunate reality (if one wants to understand it), one must first understand the relevant parts of[Read More...]

What is the AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Center Doing in Venezuela: We Have a Right to Know!

The Solidarity Center–the AFL-CIO’s organization for acting around the world–has long been active in Venezuela, and not usually for good effect.  We demand that the Solidarity Center open their books, and honestly report about their current operations in that country. We hope they are not supporting the current coup attempt against President Nicolás Maduro in any way, as the coup[Read More...]

Western Media Fall in Lockstep for Cheap Trump/Rubio Venezuela Aid PR Stunt

(FAIR) — The Trump administration’s now completely overt effort to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro had a very successful public relations effort this week, as major Western media outlets uniformly echoed its simplistic, pre-packaged claim that the Venezuelan government was heartlessly withholding foreign aid: Tensions Rise as Venezuela Blocks Border Bridge in Standoff Over Aid (CNN, 2/7/19) Maduro Blocks […]

The Venezuela Phase of US Global Demise

The latest blow-up in international relations involving Venezuela and Washington’s designs for regime change is but the latest in a whole gamut of international developments, tensions and confrontations which ultimately stem from America’s desperate attempt to maintain its global hegemony.
The post The Venezuela Phase of US Global Demise appeared first on BSNEWS.

Imperialist intervention in Venezuela: UPDATE 6

·    Russia, US present rival UNSC resolutions on Venezuela Only Venezuelans can solve Venezuela’s issues, reiterates China US blockade on Venezuela has cost US$350 billion Oil reserves would be opened to foreign investors, says Guaido’s envoy US humanitarian aid is a ‘big lie’: Venezuela’s VP Independence, sovereignty non-negotiable: Venezuelan VP Guaido isn’t ruling out ‘authorizing’ US intervention ‘You don’t[Read More...]

Mike Pompeo claims “active” terror cells in Venezuela (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s claim that Hezbollah is now “active in Venezuela”, and for this reason a US military intervention in the Latin American country is justified.
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Venezuela: Democratic Uprising or U.S. Coup?

Community activists in Caracas who support the government of President Nicolas Maduro  have formed food co-ops to help overcome the economic crisisby Reese ErlichTens of thousands of angry people march in the streets to protest lack of democracy. Women bang on pots to raise alarm over the economic crisis brought on by a socialist president.