
US Company That Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked to CIA “Black Site” Renditions

(MPN) — The parallels between aspects of the Contra scandal and the current situation in Venezuela are striking, particularly given the recent “outrage” voiced by mainstream media and prominent U.S. politicians over Maduro’s refusal to allow U.S. “humanitarian aid” into the country. Two executives at the company that chartered the U.S. plane that was caught smuggling weapons […]

US Air Freight Company that Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked to CIA “Black Site” Renditions

GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA – Two executives at the company that chartered the U.S. plane that was caught smuggling weapons into Venezuela last week have been tied to an air cargo company that aided the CIA in the rendition of alleged terrorists to “black site” centers for interrogation. The troubling revelation comes as Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has rejected a U.S. “humanitarian aid” convoy over concerns that it could contain weapons meant to arm the country’s U.S.-backed opposition.

Hands off ‘our hemisphere’ or Venezuela pays the price: US Senator warns Russia

RT | February 13, 2019 The US staked a claim on half the world, as Senate Armed Services Committee chair Jim Inhofe said Washington might have to intervene in Venezuela if Russia dares set up a military base not just there, but “in our hemisphere.” “I think that it could happen,” Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) told a […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 173 Hugo Turner on Elliot Abrams, Iran Contra, and War Crimes in Central America

Friend of the show Hugo Turner joined me this week to discuss Elliot Abrams and his legacy in Central America and role in the Iran-Contra affair. We began by discussing the roots of Iran-Contra and why it is still largely ignored by the media. Hugo discussed the origins of the affair going all the way back to the October Surprise in 1980. We talked about the other events that opened the door into Iran-Contra including the attempted assassination of Contra leader Eden Pastora in Costa Rica. Hugo and I then explored Abrams role in Iran-Contra itself.

Imperialist Intervention in Venezuela: UPDATE 8

Russia warns the US not to intervene in Venezuela The aim of the US coup in Venezuela is to dominate the country’s oil resources Arreaza slams indifference of UN members to US coup 80% of Venezuelans oppose intervention Maduro continues call for peace, dialogue, respect Canada Labour Congress with 3M members denounces Trudeau’s support for intervention The imperialist intervention is[Read More...]

Juan Guaido is Working on Opening a New Venezuelan Embassy in Israel

(MEMO) — Venezuela’s self-declared leader Juan Guaido says he is working to restore ties with Israel that Caracas cut off a decade ago in solidarity with the Palestinians. Israel is among US-aligned powers that rallied to Guaido after he declared himself Venezuela’s leader last month in a power struggle with socialist President Nicolas Maduro, under whom the country […]