
U.S. Brinksmanship in Venezuela Is Dangerous

Co-Written by Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J S Davies Judging from the miserable U.S. record at coercing change in other countries’ governments, U.S. interference in Venezuela threatens to turn a crisis into a catastrophe. We can’t let the violence that plagues the Middle East be transferred to Latin America In 1995 William Blum wrote a masterful book in which he chronicled U.S. involvement[Read More...]

How the U.S. Is Strangling Haiti as It Attempts Regime Change in Venezuela

Last year, in October, Haitians followed two Twitter hashtags that went viral—#PetrocaribeChallenge and #KotKobPetwoKaribea. If you are not Haitian and do not follow Haitian politics carefully, you can be forgiven for not noticing this development. The complaint on Twitter—and soon on the streets—was simple: what has happened to the billions of U.S. dollars that was in the Venezuelan-financed Petrocaribe program?[Read More...]

Canadian policy on Venezuela, Haiti reveals hypocrisy that media ignores

By Yves Engler · February 19, 2019 If the dominant media was serious about holding the Canadian government to account for its foreign policy decisions, there would be numerous stories pointing out the hypocrisy of Ottawa’s response to recent political developments in Haiti and Venezuela. Instead silence, or worse, cheer-leading. Venezuela is a deeply divided […]

How Much of the Venezuela Crisis is Really Maduro’s Fault?

The recognition by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Joe Biden of Juan Guaidó as Venezuelan president is the latest demonstration of the consensus in Washington over the nefariousness of the Nicolás Maduro government. Not since Fidel Castro’s early years in power has a Latin American head of state been so consistently demonized.