
Venezuela: Beyond Regime Change And Oil

First it was Operation Desert Storm inflicted under orders of Bush the father. This was followed by 10 years of sanctions when half a million Iraqi children died from lack of medicines and food. Iraq’s economy was ruined and the infrastructure laid to waste. The resulting humanitarian crisis was blamed on President Saddam Hussein, once an American ally later to[Read More...]

UK COLUMN: Venezuela False Flag Folly, Little Marco Loses It, UK Declares Hezbollah ‘Terrorist Org’

This past weekend saw Venezuela erupt as the US-backed ‘opposition’ gangs staged multiple provocations at border crossings with Colombia and Brazil, where Washington used the pretext of deliver ‘aid’ in order to stir-up clashes between Venezuelan law enforcement and wild US-backed mobs. Meanwhile, Florida Senator Marco Rubio appears to have lost the plot, tweeting out multiple death threats to Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro, and the families of military officials.

Roger Waters, Socialists Say No to Bernie and AOC’s Positions on Venezuela

WASHINGTON — As socialists rally in the United States over their country’s backing of a right wing coup in Venezuela, the supposedly socialist members of Congress – Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) – are hitting talking points that worry critics like Roger Waters and activists in the streets alike.

EU Leaders Reject Idea of US-Led Military Intervention in Venezuela

(CD) — The European Union and the Spanish government on Monday both rejected calls by the Trump administration and Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to keep “every option on the table” to remove President Nicolas Maduro from power—saying they do not support, nor would they would participate, in military intervention. “Not every option is on the table,” Spanish Foreign […]

The distortions of the corporate media: Media Lens interview

The distortions of the corporate media: Media Lens interview
by Ian Sinclair
Morning Star
18 February 2019
David Edwards and David Cromwell from media watchdog Media Lens speak to Ian Sinclair about their new book Propaganda Blitz: How the Corporate Media Distort Reality.
Ian Sinclair: What is a ‘Propaganda Blitz’ and how does it work?  

Pence, Guaidó Fail to Secure Lima Group Approval for US Military Intervention in Venezuela

CARACAS, VENEZUELA – On Sunday, the U.S.-backed and self-declared “interim president” of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, announced that he would meet with the Lima Group on Monday to “formally propose” keeping “all options open” for the “liberation” of Venezuela. The Lima Group, composed of the U.S. and its allies and client states in the Americas, have all recognized Guaidó as the “legitimate” leader of Venezuela.