
Juan Guaido: ‘A Traitor to His People’

Self-proclaimed “Interim President of Venezuela,” Juan Guaidó, seems to be Washington’s man of the moment for Venezuela. His supporters say his will deliver salvation of freedom and democracy in Venezuela and rescue it from the jaws of an ‘evil socialist criminal government’. But is he just a means to an end for regime change artists and economic hit men in Langley, VA. His opponents are accusing him of climbing into bed with Imperialist powers and effectively stabbing his own country in the back.

Trump Creates a Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela While a Real One is Right Here in Our Schools

A created political farce played out with the frightening consequences for war against Venezuela resting in the balance on its border with Colombia this weekend, as the Trump Administration unsuccessfully tried to force the first of $20 million of unsolicited “humanitarian aid” into the country. This had nothing to do with concern for the Venezuelan people and everything to do with undermining the legitimate government of Venezuela. It should be called the food as a weapon campaign.

Trump’s Democratic Opposition Endorses His Coup Attempt in Venezuela

Illustrating that the exception only proves the rule, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard stood virtually alone, tweeting: “The United States needs to stay out of Venezuela. Let the Venezuelan people determine their future. We don’t want other countries to choose our leaders — so we have to stop trying to choose theirs.” By Alexander Rubinstein | MintPress […]

Trump’s Democratic Opposition Endorses His Coup Attempt in Venezuela

(MPN) — Nothing unites the D.C. blob like a good old coup d’état. The only other times, it seems, that Donald Trump is given a break by “the resistance” is when he acts “presidential” — i.e., orders military aggression, as we saw with Syria. As veteran journalist Dan Rather put it at the time: “The number of […]

Imperialist intervention in Venezuela: UPDATE 18

US isolation increasing US allies – EU, Lima Group, Spain, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru – against use of military force China wants constructive help for Venezuela Chile’s Communist Party rejects intervention Expired medicine in the “aid” Hawks within the imperialist camp are facing isolation in their plan for intervention in Venezuela. However, the interventionists are continuing with their[Read More...]

Pence threatens war in Venezuela at Colombia summit: “There is no turning back”

US Vice President Mike Pence delivered a bellicose speech before representatives of 14 Latin American countries at a meeting of the Lima Group in Bogotá, Colombia, yesterday. The remarks were timed to coincide with the US-orchestrated provocations at the Venezuelan border over the weekend, resulting in clashes that left several people dead. Pence rehashed phrases plagiarized from speeches given by[Read More...]