
Lavrov to Pompeo: We can talk Venezuela, but US must stop threatening its legitimate government

RT | March 2, 2019 The US attempts to threaten Venezuela and meddle in the country’s affairs under the guise of supplying humanitarian aid have nothing to do with democracy, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov told his American counterpart, Mike Pompeo. The top diplomats talked on the phone on Saturday on the initiative of Washington, the […]

Shocker: “Humanitarian Aid” Stunt Used to Escalate US-Led Crusade Against Venezuela

(CJ Opinion) — So, you might want to sit down for this, but believe it or not it appears that the US government is using the fallout from its “humanitarian aid” performance to justify further sanctions against the Venezuelan government. I know, I know. I’m just as shocked as you are. “This action, taken pursuant to Executive Order […]

Remember the Maine? CIA Intervention in Venezuela

Photograph Source National Museum of the U.S. Navy By David Rosen | CounterPunch | March 1, 2019 In January 1897, Frederic Remington, a 19th-century painter famous for his depictions of the Old West, was on assignment in Havana for William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal to illustrate Spanish atrocities against Cubans. He sent a telegram to Hearst, noting: “Everything […]

US Attempts to Force New Elections in Venezuela Fails as Guaido Vows to Re-enter Country

A draft resolution tabled by the United States was rejected at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) after being vetoed by China and Russia.
The US resolution called for the start of a process leading to “free, fair and credible elections,” as well as for “unhindered access and delivery of assistance” in Venezuela. The resolution had 9 votes in favor, 3 abstentions and 3 votes against, with China and Russia exercising their veto powers.
Russia’s UN envoy, Vasily Nebenzya, criticized the tabling of a resolution that Washington knew had no chance of being approved.

How Amnesty International is reinforcing Trump’s regime-change propaganda against Venezuela

By Joe Emersberger | The Canary | February 26, 2019 Amnesty International‘s reports, by their nature, require readers to trust their honesty and impartiality. But there is ample reason not to trust them. Because Amnesty has ignored grave human rights abuses in plain sight in Venezuela while demonizing supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Shortly after meeting with […]

From Late Victorian Holocausts to 21st Century Imperialism: Crocodile Tears for Venezuela

On 26 February, Stephen Hickey, UK political coordinator at the United Nations, delivered a statement at the Security Council briefing on Venezuela that put the blame for the situation in that country on its government. He said that years of misrule and corruption have wrecked the Venezuelan economy and that the actions of the “Maduro regime” have led to economic collapse.
He continued by talking about the recent attempts to bring ‘aid’ into the country:

From Late Victorian Holocausts to 21st Century Imperialism: Crocodile Tears for Venezuela

On 26 February, Stephen Hickey, UK political coordinator at the United Nations, delivered a statement at the Security Council briefing on Venezuela that put the blame for the situation in that country on its government. He said that years of misrule and corruption have wrecked the Venezuelan economy and that the actions of the “Maduro regime” have led to economic[Read More...]

Venezuela Diary: January 24 to February 23, 2019

Below is a diary, edited slightly for style and clarity, directly from Facebook posts of mine from January 24, 2019 through the culminating day — for now — of Saturday, February 23, 2019 when the US propaganda whirlwind and concerted campaign caught up with the political realities on the ground. Although I have not been a regular user of Facebook, resisting the entreaties of friends, in this period I found it a compelling vehicle to follow, speak out, and get feedback on the Trump Administration-led drive for a military coup and the accompanying propaganda build-up.