
Maduro’s claim that Washington has used cyberwarfare to bring down Venezuela’s power grid cannot be so easily dismissed

By Stephen Gowans
March 11, 2019
In the last few days Venezuela has been afflicted by power failures, escalating the misery of a population already menaced by an ongoing economic crisis.
Two explanations are offered to account for the outages.
Western news media point to the alleged economic mismanagement of the Maduro government, which has, in their view, crippled Venezuela’s power gird via under-investment.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 176 Ricardo Vaz on Venezuela and the Naked Imperialism of the US

Ricardo Vaz of joined me to discuss the ongoing regime change operations in Venezuela. We stared off by discussing the recent return of so called “interim president” Juan Guaido after his visit to several Latin American including Colombia and Brazil. Ricardo talked about the muted response from Maduro, who allowed Guaido to return with out a fuss after being banned from international travel. Ricardo also talked about the response on the ground in Venezuela to Guaido’s return, and the fact that he appears to be losing some momentum as a political leader.

Le ’Caracazo’, c’était il y a 15 ans… Par Frédéric Lévêque

Source : CADTM, Frédéric Lévêque, 01-01-2004
« A cette heure-ci, tout s’est déjà calmé », affirmait Carlos Andres Pérez (CAP). « Il ne faut pas s’alarmer pour la situation. Nous allons profiter de la crise pour créer du bien-être » [1], disait-il, rassurant, lors d’un discours devant des entrepreneurs, à l’Hôtel Hilton de la ville de Barquisimeto, Etat de Lara.