
False Flag Alert: Neocons in the US Government and Media Falsely Blamed Maduro for Setting Fire to US Aid Trucks. Sabotage Suspected in Massive Blackout.

Last month, a convoy of humanitarian aid trucks from the US were set on fire and the mainstream media and neocons were quick to blame President Maduro. However, video shows an anti-Maduro protester threw a Molotov cocktail that ignited the truck carrying aid.

Trump’s Coup in Venezuela: What You’re Not Being Told

(VA Op-ed) — The failure of the February 23 “humanitarian aid” provocation on the Venezuelan border was a serious blow for Trump’s ongoing coup attempt. There were mutual recriminations between self-appointed Guaidó, Colombian President Duque and US Vice-President Pence. The US could not get a consensus from its own Lima Cartel allies in favour of military intervention. The coup was […]

The Ochelli Effect – Psychotherapy For Media Exhaustion

On this particular Ochelli Effect, Michael Swanson went into a direction that Chuck did not expect. The industry of Psychology and MkUltra were discussed as inspired by Mike’s interest in the Documentary Wormwood. It was quite unique among all the dialogs with Mike on the show over the years. How does this relate to what Mike knows about his father?

Electricity Recovery Continues in Venezuela as US Withdraws Diplomatic Staff

US officials have threatened new sanctions while Venezuelan authorities continue reactivating the electric grid. (VA) — Venezuelan authorities continue working to bring back online the electric grid following a massive outage that started on Thursday, March 7. According to on-the-ground testimonies and official sources, power finally began to reach Venezuela’s western states, including Merida and Zulia, on Monday night, […]

Ricardo Hausmann’s “Morning After” for Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido’s Economic Agenda

If you’ve followed Venezuela-related news on social media, you’ve undoubtedly stumbled across a video released by comedian Joanna Hausmann in which she promises to tell you, “What’s Happening in Venezuela: Just the Facts.” Despite a title designed to instill confidence in the uninformed viewer, upon closer examination the “facts” presented in Hausman’s video hardly stand the test of reality.