
Venezuela: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 2)

Dictatorship Strange “dictatorship” in which the Parliament is controlled by the opposition. Strange “dictatorship” where elections are held all the time. Strange “dictatorship” in which “dictators” lose elections and respect the results. Strange “dictatorship” in which some can appeal, live on TV, to crimes against the president and the country, in total impunity. Strange “dictatorship” in which the “leader” of[Read More...]

‘Rule of law’ states defend Israel’s cold blooded murder of peaceful demonstrators while trying to rob Venezuela of its oil

By Stephen Gowans
March 18, 2019
A recent independent investigation sponsored by the United Nations Human Rights Council into the killing and injury of unarmed Palestinian refugees who were participating in peaceful demonstrations demanding that they be allowed to return to territories they, or their forbears, had been driven from, concluded that Israeli security forces unlawfully killed almost 200 and injured over 9,000 over a nine-month period last year.

US officials offered my friend cash to take down Tehran’s power grid

It took a country-wide power outage in Venezuela, whispers of a cyberattack, and smug tweets from US officials to make me suddenly recall the cloak-and-dagger story of a close Iranian-American friend nine years ago. My friend, an engineer — who I will not name for obvious reasons and who I will call ‘Kourosh’ for the purpose of this article — revealed to me in 2010 that he was approached […]

Venezuela: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 1)

Apparently, most of Western sheep-like humans are buying all the imperial propaganda against Venezuela. And the rest of Western human beings, the minority, they seem to have a lot of doubts about what’s going on in Venezuela, as if they were living in a Stone Age era without instant access to a titanic amount of information provided by an enormous variety of[Read More...]

#HandsOffVenezuela March on Capitol Hill Demands Trump End Economic War & Regime Change Attempts

(CD) – Denouncing the “strangling” of the Venezuelan economy via sanctions and demanding the Trump administration allow the South American country to determine its own fate, pro-democracy protesters marched through Washington, D.C. on Saturday to demand, “Hands Off Venezuela!” The demonstration came seven weeks after the Trump administration recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president, rebuking President Nicolas […]