
Venezuela Resisting: Roundup – 6

Revolutionary people is the guarantee for peace and democracy: Maduro Rightists organize mercenaries Plan to assassinate political and military leaders, and judges Plan to sabotage metro system and the Caracas cable car Plan to spread fake news through social media, and organize strikes Bolton’s threat Imperialism’s interventionist acts are getting exposed while imperialism is renewing its interventionist acts in Venezuela. In[Read More...]

Day of Wrath

In all times some must be rich, some poore, some highe and eminent in power and dignitie; others mean in subjeccion.
— John Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, A Model of Christian Charity, 1630
I think I can see the whole destiny of America contained in the first Puritan who landed on those shores.
— Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1830
Today utopia is maligned because no one really wants to see its realization.
— Max Horkheimer, The Authoritarian State, 1940

Venezuela Claims US Withholding $5 Billion of Medical Supplies

Maduro’s accusations came at a government re-launch of the pharmaceutical sector. (VA) — The US government is withholding US $5 billion which was meant for the purchase of medicines and raw materials used in medical production, President Nicolas Maduro claimed Wednesday. Speaking from Miranda State, Maduro denounced that US authorities “have ‘kidnapped’ US $5 billion [in] one […]

Venezuela President: US Withholding $5bn of Medical Supplies in ‘Criminal’ Measure

The US government is withholding US $5 billion which was meant for the purchase of medicines and raw materials used in medical production, President Nicolas Maduro claimed Wednesday.
Speaking from Miranda State, Maduro denounced that US authorities “have ‘kidnapped’ US $5 billion [in] one of the most criminal, brutal, fascist economic measures which has been seen in the economic history of the world.” “Trump is the person responsible,” he added.