
CARICOM Confronts the Big House: Trump Attempts to Split the Caribbean over Venezuela

By Maximilian C. Forte | Zero Anthropology | March 25, 2019 It’s a simple matter, even if one might lose oneself in the various details, names, places, and dates. The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), mostly made up of Anglophone Caribbean states, decisively stood up for non-intervention in the internal affairs of states by […]

Saddamizing al-Assad

Donald Trump’s first action upon assuming the Presidential throne of the United States involved the re-location of a bust of Winston Churchill back into the Oval Office. Originally given to President Bush the Second in July, 2001, Churchill’s bust was removed by Barack Obama (January, 2009) in favor of a bust of Martin Luther King. If the symbolism in all of this changing of the bust business were a pinball machine, then lights and buzzers would be flashing and dinging like crazy!

Venezuelan Guarimbas: 11 Things the Media Didn’t Tell You

teleSur journalists Tamara Pearson and Ryan Mallett-Outtrim debunk the myriad of lies and fabrications disseminated by the mainstream corporate media about the violent opposition protests in 2014, known as the “guarimbas.”  At one year since the violence opposition barricades in Venezuela that aimed to bring down the democratically elected government, teleSUR reviews 11 things the media kept secret. One year ago, […]

Venezuela: Despite the crisis, Chavez’s legacy endures

Given the media barrage surrounding Venezuela’s “humanitarian crisis”, recent tensions on the Venezuela-Colombia border, and talks of “military options” and coup attempts, it was hard to know what to expect on returning to the country for the first time in five years. I envisaged a country on a knife’s edge, particularly as I arrived in Caracas on March 5. This[Read More...]

USA And Puppet Guaidó Implicated In Terrorism Plot Against Venezuela

The US coup with the self-proclaimed Venezuelan puppet president Juan Guaidó has been failing. Right-wing Latin American countries and the European Union, while willing to go along with the charade farce president have not been willing to take military action against Venezuela. This week the US was caught seeking to create violent chaos with imported mercenaries disguised as Venezuelan military,[Read More...]

How the Media Distort News from Venezuela

Foodby Reese ErlichWhenever officials in Washington, D.C. set out to overthrow a foreign government, mainstream US media outlets are there to give a helping hand. All pretense of fairness and balance disappear in favor of outrageous distortion. For the most recent example, let’s look at Venezuela.Both high-level Republicans and Democrats have decided it’s time for Venezuela, with the world's largest oil reserves, to rejoin the US sphere of influence.

Russian Troops, Aid Arrive in Venezuela After Delivering Red Line Warning to Trump

(ZH) — Just days after a high-level meeting in Rome this week, during which Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied – it appears Russia is taking no chances with its South American ally. After the Rome meeting, Ryabkov said bluntly: […]