Vatican I

Orthodox Vs. RC Papacy Full Debate Review | Erick Ybarra vs Fr. Ramsey

 This is the full analysis: In this video, we do a review of the debate Erick Ybarra had with Fr. Patrick Ramsey on Pints With Aquinas concerning whether or not the Vatican I Papacy was present in the first millennium Church. Watch our full video on Patreon: The original debate can be found […]

Top 5 DIFFERENCES: Roman Catholicism Vs Orthodoxy

Is it all about the papacy? No! The top differences definitely include the issue of the papacy, but there are more fundamental doctrinal and dogmatic issues that come before the Roman Pontiff. In fact, the Vatican I doctrine really is based on mistakes relating to the Trinity and the Holy Spirit (Filioque), which conditions the […]
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The Role of the Church Fathers: Replying to Bishop Barron – Jay Dyer / Snek

 Snek joins me to cover a key point in regard to contrasting the Second Vatican Council’s attempt to integrate the “eastern” and “patristic” insights and attitudes so the “church” can “breathe with both lungs.”  Of course, the Orthodox Church never lost the patristic mind and never had a need to “return” to a period […]
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From Catholic to Orthodox – Eastern Catholics Are the Death Blow to Papism – Jay Dyer

A discussion on Uniates and Eastern Catholicism from a former Uniate, Alexander, who moved to Orthodoxy. Our guests recounts his journey in the world of Uniatism, its philosophical and theological incoherence, the many competing claims and rejections of *ecumencial councils* and incoherence of accepting Orthodox saints! Eastern catholicism didn’t begin this nonsense after Vatican 2, either.


Taylor Marshall On Orthodoxy Refuted – Jay Dyer / Snek

Marshall & Flanders isn’t a 60s era boomer folk band, it’s the most recent “takedown” of Orthodoxy that actually featured no discussion of theology proper.   Instead, this disaster stream was emotional appeals, worship of bare authority and worse.  Orthobro Snek joins me to rebut the giant load of misinformation.  The original stream from them is here.

Top 10 Reasons I’m Not Roman Catholic – Jay Dyer

In this video we continue the series from yesterday’s video on why I am not Protestant. Here I cover ten top reasons I am not Roman Catholic. I focus on Vatican I, the papacy, doctrinal development, Uniates, Filioque, absolute divine simplicity, the Vatican Bank and many, many more glaring innovations of the last millennium that are central features of papalism. Papalism ends up in sola Papam – the entire religion ends up revealing around the pope and papal apologists are all papal lawyers.