Weapons Trafficking: NATO Expansion & Wishful-thinking …

Any discourse on Turkey is usually connected with other events, and not Turkey in itself—domestic issues, however, what they mean to others, near and far, is a different story. This has been most apparent in terms of events in Iraq, Syria, and now with undulating happenings regarding NATO expansion, events in Ukraine, and if Ukraine […]

Russia is finding new solutions to the Syrian crisis

The destabilization of the military-political situation and the provoked civil war in Syria, which has been going on since March 2011, have become another consequence of the US regional policy of reformatting the Middle East region and establishing its own monopoly. The strategy of “controlled chaos” with the use of radical forces and internal political […]

A Peek Into the Gaping Black Hole of U.S. Policy Under Biden

Slowly, surely, almost systematically, the United States and its allies edge into a geostrategic sinkhole from which there can be no return. The spotlight for most observers is on the Ukraine situation, but natural signs of the decline of the Western hegemony lie elsewhere. In the most recent news, Russia’s Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, Shanghai […]

Is South Korea going to supply Ukraine with arms?

On April 19, 2023 President Yoon Seok-yeol gave an interview to Reuters in which he said, among other things, that “If there is a situation the international community cannot condone, such as any large-scale attack on civilians, massacre or serious violation of the laws of war, it might be difficult for us to insist only […]
Сообщение Is South Korea going to supply Ukraine with arms? появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Le président mexicain a dénoncé « l’oligarchie » américaine lors du sommet de Biden sur la démocratie

Le président mexicain de gauche Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) a profité du « Sommet pour la démocratie » organisé par le gouvernement américain pour dénoncer indirectement l’hypocrisie de Washington : « L’oligarchie règne avec la façade de la démocratie », a-t-il déclaré, appelant à une « plus grande égalité » et à la « […]

US Sells Taiwan 400 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles as US-Chinese Tensions Rise

As the US continues its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, it also continues preparations for a similar conflict with China using the island province of Taiwan as its proxy of choice in Asia. Toward this end, the US continues flooding the island province with billions of dollars worth of weapons. One of the more […]

Quand Joe Biden affaiblit durablement l’État providence

L’administration Biden refuse de justifier publiquement le maintien de la déclaration d’urgence en cas de pandémie, alors que cette dernière a permis d’élargir considérablement des programmes indispensables tels que Medicaid. Des millions de personnes sont sur le point de perdre leur assurance maladie. Source : Jacobin Mag, Branko MarceticTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises […]

Russia-China Response to the NATOization of the Indo-Pacific

In February, on an unusual visit to Japan, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasised the need for NATO to have more “friends” in the region. The obvious justification was, as Stoltenberg explained to his audience at Keio University in Tokyo, the fact that Russia and China were “coming closer” and the direct threat this alliance […]

Syria: a new reality in the region

According to numerous reports in the Israeli media, the resumption of ties and normal relations between Saudi Arabia and Syria has caused a state of discontent, severe anxiety and even dismay among the Israeli leadership. These troubles, as noted by the Israeli newspaper World Israel News, have added to the problems that have suddenly presented […]
Сообщение Syria: a new reality in the region появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.